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How long does it take?


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Hey guys i've always had an interest to create my own scripts, it would give me pleasure and enjoyment seeing them in action. I'm just wondering how long it would take to to learn how to develop a basic flawless script with added anti-ban. Thanks smile.png


Edit: I would take a few hours of my time everyday to learn.

Edited by BotLuckMate
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Ye well as stated above you need some experience with java, which can take up to a few months to learn... In ~2 weeks, if I graduate uni, I'll have some more time and will create a proper scripting language w/ bindings for the osbot api. That would make it a bit easier for people to start scripting.

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As long as you understand the logic, it can take as little as a month to learn enough Java to make your first script.

If you want to learn a language quickly, do not bother learning methods. Learn the syntax and conventions, and learn some basic functions such as comparisons. After that, anything you need can be googled and your knowledge will build as you go.

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