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Bogla Gold is Hiring


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What timezone are you? : GMT
What times are you available? : I can do either time slots, so whenever I am needed.
Are you aged 18 or over? : 17, 18 in March

How often are you usually on the computer per day? : between 10-13 hours
How long have you played runescape? : since 2008. 7 years.
Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) : I started playing runescape in october of 2008, and have played casually ever since. In the october of 2012, I started to get heavily into runescape again, playing for long periods of time and completing harder quests etc with a clan I was in. Since Feburary of 2013 I have slowed down playing again due to school work, but I have now finished school and have been playing properly since June 2015. I have recently started buying and selling runescape gold through sythe etc.
Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : I play Sims, World of Warcraft (when I can afford it :P currently between level 10-30 on a few accounts :P) CS:GO, Which I am level 2 on as I don't play it much. I also play a multitude of offline management games such as rollercoaster tycoon and theme hospital.

Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : No, english is my only fluent language.
What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : I have no consistent commitments during this period of time.
Will this job be your main source of income? : Yes
Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? : No.


I only joined this forum today so that I could apply for this role, hence why I do not have any other posts on here. However if I am needed feel free to contact me on the e-mail: ilyugh@gmail.com

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What timezone are you? : EST
What times are you available? : Pretty much all day.
Are you aged 18 or over? : Yes.
How often are you usually on the computer per day? : 10+ hours a day.
How long have you played runescape? : At least 7-8 years. Not currently playing at the moment, but I am wanting to start again.
Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) : I started playing Runescape around 7 or 8 years ago. I played RuneScape for a while, and also played on a Private Server as well, I was ranked Warlord in a clan, and eventually retired to Council. During my RuneScape times, I was also in a clan, where I would do questing for clan mates. I made over 300M doing it, and then I decided to open a questing service on Sythe with a partner, which didn't really accomplish much, due to my partner and I having a disagreement. Then when Runescape 07 came out, I worked for a AIO service on OSBot. And throughout 07Scape being out, I have pretty much played on and off.
Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? :
Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : No.
What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : Nothing at the moment.
Will this job be your main source of income? : Yes.
Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? : Nope.

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What timezone are you? : pacific standard
What times are you available? : all day
Are you aged 18 or over? :yes
How often are you usually on the computer per day? : 10-13 hours
How long have you played runescape? : since 2004
Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) :i started around 2004 got max on there quit when eoc came out played 07 got max got ban for selling gold quit just came back to make a zerker then the account got ruined. i use to do firecapes for my clan and i sold gold like i said i use to be a big staker had up to 15-20b on pre eoc.
Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : i played wow got 2 levels 100s got bored then quit
Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : just english
What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : none at the moment was going to get a job but i failed my drivers test
Will this job be your main source of income? : yes for a few months
Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? :  no

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What timezone are you? : GMT -5
What times are you available? : Any time
Are you aged 18 or over? : Yes, I am 20 years old.
How often are you usually on the computer per day? : If I'm awake I'm more than likely on my computer
How long have you played runescape? : Late 2006
Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) : I started when I was about 10 years old in school because everyone else was playing, and I eventually passed everyone else, and just kept on playing. Although I did take a few breaks for months at a time in there I've always come back. Also right now I just started a service for powerleveling, and questing.
Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : I don't currently play any other games.
Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : I only speak English fluently.
What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : I have no commitments at this time.
Will this job be your main source of income? : Yes.
Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? : No


All that said I was a cashier at Walmart for 6 months, and earned the customer choice associate of the month award in the same month that I pulled in 32 credit card applications. Not much to brag about, however it shows that I know how to deal with customers, and can handle dealing with confused, or incompetent customers, and am skilled when it comes to sales. 

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What timezone are you? : EST.
What times are you available? : 10AM-3PM, 12AM-6AM.
Are you aged 18 or over? : 18.
How often are you usually on the computer per day? : 5-12 hours.
How long have you played runescape? : Since 2008.
Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) : I played casually from 2008-2011. I started to get serious back in 2011 and I have played almost every day since. I've done questing services for friends before, and I have developed a strong knowledge of the game and every thing it accompanies.
Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : I have played World of Warcraft in the past and I have a level 100 Human Hunter.
Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : I speak fluent English. I also can speak/read some Spanish. (I took five years of the class. 8th grade - senior year.)
What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : I have a part time job as a Host/Server in a restaurant.
Will this job be your main source of income? : Not my main source, but a huge part of it.
Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? : Nope. I have a clean slate. When it comes to the blackmarket, I have only bought gold. Specifically, from Bogla.

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What timezone are you? :EST

What times are you available? : Any time atm during the summer

Are you aged 18 or over? : Yes

How often are you usually on the computer per day? : I would say 5-7 hrs a day

How long have you played runescape? : 7 yrs

Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) : mostly just sold gold my whole 7 years my friend got me into it.

Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : None

Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : None

What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : I Trying to to go to college for music performance at the moment but I am seeing a private teacher to give me lessons until I know I am ready to audition

Will this job be your main source of income? : I have made selling runescape & Programming my main source of income and I seem to do pretty well so Yes

Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? :  I have never had Any Disputes against me

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What timezone are you? :
GMT 8+ (Perth, Australia)

What times are you available? :
Well since it's holidays till the 20th of July I'll be active most of the time, ranging around from 10AM to 12PM but as of course I won't be on every minute but that's a good amount of time I'll be on.

Are you aged 18 or over? :
I turned 17 years old,  6 days ago

How often are you usually on the computer per day? :
Pretty often TBH especially since I left my job.

How long have you played runescape? :
Played RuneScape since 2009 till 2014ish and I left it but came back around 6 months ago.

Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) :
I had started in 09' when my IRL cousin had introduced me to the game, I always thought of it as a boring game but then after a few weeks of playing one hour every now and then I really liked it and I literally played it 24/7 gaining more experience from who had originally introduced me to the game. I also started playing RSPS in 2011 when I had a friend on Skype who told me about this server called Fatality614, I loved the 2010 era and 614 revision is based on that time so I joined and I played it till it had shut down but took a break in early January 2014. I quit RuneScape back in mid-2014 and had joined back in January 2015. I had done a few services for my friends like getting them their desired levels but I didn't own a company or advertise, it was more just a private one.


Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? :
I mostly play FIFA 15 and I'm in Division 3 in both offline and online, was in Division 2 till my brother decided to play and got me relegated:(

Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? :
No, at the moment I only speak English but I'm actually planning to learn German and Turkish.

What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? :
I take care of my siblings most of the time as my parents aren't at home other than that not really.

Will this job be your main source of income? :
Yes as I don't have a job anymore and the company I was apart of for powerleveling services died out.

Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? :
No but I'm also an experienced graphics designer so that may help as I can do designs for Bogla when needed.


Kind Regards,


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What timezone are you? : GMT +10
What times are you available? : Currently available all day
Are you aged 18 or over? : Yes
How often are you usually on the computer per day? : 6+ hours
How long have you played runescape? : Around 8 years
Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) :

Started playing runescape when i was around 14, earned a completionist cape a few months before Eoc came out. Came back and re-maxed when divination was released.

When OSRS was released i switched and played that for quite a while, but right now im not so active as all my friends i played with no longer play runescape.

During my time playing Runescape i also sold gold when i had extra on my accounts that i didnt need.

Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : Currently dont play any other games.
Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : No
What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : Bowling on tuesdays.
Will this job be your main source of income? : Yes
Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? : No

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What timezone are you? :GMT +1
What times are you available? : 9AM - 10pm
Are you aged 18 or over? : yes i am 20.
How often are you usually on the computer per day? : 7+hours on the weekday 9+hours on the weekend.
How long have you played runescape? : ever since 2005

Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) : since 2005 i have always provided a small time service to people that i knew from school etc, these things ranged from botting for people 24.7 that didn't have the ability to do so, botted for people that have a current level and wanted a desired level. provided other services such as quest completion and mini game completion (Fcape / void etc) i played and swapped servers in regard to private servers , i played pretty much every popular one (Soulsplit,ikov,etc) now up-until 2 weeks ago as i lost interest in playing them.

Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : i played CSS / CSGO Reaching Global elite on one account and have a Eagle smurf. - briefly played both WOW and D3 - Played League of legends / Smite / Dota 2 / TF2

Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : unfortunately i can only speak English.

What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : i am currently a student at Manchester uni studying Biology - it requires 2 lectures a week, therefore i have a lot of spare time on the computer. i also attend my gym everyday for 2 hours in the morning and night.

Will this job be your main source of income? : it shall, this income will help me greatly while spending my time and university.

Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? : Not that i know of in regard to a bad past , as i have never being in trouble / disputes with people before. However i have always being a member of the black markets within games such as Rs3 / OSRS buying and selling gold for others  / providing botting / questing services.

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