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Perfect Motherlode Miner


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Scipt is constantly logging out after like 10 mins......



[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "15"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "16"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "17"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "18"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "19"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "20"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "21"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "22"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "23"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "24"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "25"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "26"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "27"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Flagging put_ore right now!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "28"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "paydirt_inv_deposits" changed to "2"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: ...already moving don't walk new!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: 1) Pre-walking to the ore sack..
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: "fix_strut" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Appeared!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Adding dialogue to list [The machine will need to be repaired before your pay-<br>dirt can be cleaned.]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: We received repair message!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: exec event (Fix struts)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: Fixing struts now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: No hammer detected (neither inventory hammer nor imcando hammer equipped)!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:45 a.m.]: ...attempting to search crate...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:48 a.m.]: Added event (Fix struts)!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:48 a.m.]: Action queue true
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:48 a.m.]: Appeared!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:48 a.m.]: Adding dialogue to list [You've found a hammer. How handy.]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:48 a.m.]: exec event (Fix struts)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:48 a.m.]: Fixing struts now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:48 a.m.]: Selecting strut now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:48 a.m.]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait up to 6s to animate"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:54 a.m.]: put ore active 002
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:54 a.m.]: Added event (Fix struts)!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:54 a.m.]: Action queue true
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:55 a.m.]: exec event (Fix struts)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:55 a.m.]: Fixing struts now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:55 a.m.]: Selecting strut now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:55 a.m.]: Animated (struts)! Now waiting until we get that sweet smithing xp drop!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:29:55 a.m.]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait up to 5s to gain smithing experience"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:00 a.m.]: Removing event (Fix struts) now that it is complete...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:00 a.m.]: We're animating, wait...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:01 a.m.]: exec event (Fix struts)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:01 a.m.]: Fixing struts now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:01 a.m.]: Selecting strut now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:01 a.m.]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait up to 6s to animate"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:01 a.m.]: Animated (struts)! Now waiting until we get that sweet smithing xp drop!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:01 a.m.]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait up to 5s to gain smithing experience"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:06 a.m.]: Removing event (Fix struts) now that it is complete...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:06 a.m.]: We're animating, wait...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: exec event (Fix struts)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: Fixing struts now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: Added event (Fix struts)!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: Action queue true
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: exec event (Fix struts)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: Fixing struts now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: Both struts aren't broken!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: "fix_strut" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: Removing event (Fix struts) now that it is complete...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:08 a.m.]: Sensor-L: Mined rockfall, resetting action timer!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]: "invisible_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]: "put_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]: "struts_repaired" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]: "bank_all_ores" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]:  -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 28, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]: Not near to the sack (8) tiles away from our pos: [x=3741, y=5663, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]: Sack is reachable from here! [x=3741, y=5663, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]: "last_delay_name" changed to "(2) Wait up to 10s to start moving"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:16 a.m.]: (2) Successfully moved!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:17 a.m.]:  -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 28, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:17 a.m.]: Not near to the sack (7) tiles away from our pos: [x=3741, y=5661, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:17 a.m.]: Waiting until we stop moving first...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:17 a.m.]:  -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 28, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:17 a.m.]: We are near the sack, let's grab the ore!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:17 a.m.]: sack found!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:17 a.m.]: Dropping hammer!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:18 a.m.]: Let's try search the sack...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:19 a.m.]: "struts_repaired" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:20 a.m.]: Appeared!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:20 a.m.]: Adding dialogue to list [You collect your ore from the sack.<br>The sack is now empty.]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:20 a.m.]: Resetting ores now that the top-left updated!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:20 a.m.]: "bank_all_ores" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:20 a.m.]: We're banking now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:20 a.m.]: Attempting to open deposit box...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:25 a.m.]:  successfully clicked open!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:26 a.m.]: We're banking now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:26 a.m.]: Depositing except hammer (DEPOSIT-BOX)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:26 a.m.]: A) We don't need hammer, depositing all!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:29 a.m.]:  .. done!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:31 a.m.]: (1) MMT Trying to click minimap position to [x=3746, y=5652, z=0] (16)!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:31 a.m.]: Clicking minimap position at: [x=3746, y=5652, z=0] from [x=3758, y=5664, z=0], real distance is: 15
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:31 a.m.]: Invoke walking clickMap to [x=3746, y=5652, z=0] from [x=3758, y=5664, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:31 a.m.]: (1)...successfully clicked on [x=3746, y=5652, z=0]!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:34 a.m.]: (1) MMT Trying to click minimap position to [x=3746, y=5652, z=0] (10)!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:34 a.m.]: Clicking minimap position at: [x=3746, y=5652, z=0] from [x=3752, y=5660, z=0], real distance is: 9
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:34 a.m.]: We're moving and/or far away!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:34 a.m.]: (1)...successfully clicked on [x=3746, y=5652, z=0]!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:37 a.m.]: (1) MMT Trying to click minimap position to [x=3732, y=5652, z=0] (14)!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:37 a.m.]: Clicking minimap position at: [x=3732, y=5652, z=0] from [x=3746, y=5652, z=0], real distance is: 15
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:37 a.m.]: Invoke walking clickMap to [x=3732, y=5652, z=0] from [x=3746, y=5652, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:37 a.m.]: (1)...successfully clicked on [x=3732, y=5652, z=0]!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:41 a.m.]: ...already moving don't walk new!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:41 a.m.]: ...already moving don't walk new!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:43 a.m.]: A Received obstacle: Rockfall (5)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:43 a.m.]:  .. interacting..
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:43 a.m.]: (3) Mining rockfall at [x=3727, y=5652, z=0] from my position [x=3732, y=5652, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:43 a.m.]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait up to 10s for rockfall to disappear"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:46 a.m.]: reached end
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:46 a.m.]: (1) Path isn't clear to [x=3716, y=5655, z=0] from [x=3728, y=5652, z=0]!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:47 a.m.]: Sensor-L: Mined rockfall, resetting action timer!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:47 a.m.]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait up to 15s until we start animating"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:30:53 a.m.]: We gained a gem: (Uncut ruby)!
[WARN][Bot #1][10/24 09:35:53 a.m.]: Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/24 09:37:22 a.m.]: Successfully logged in.

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6 hours ago, BeanMartin said:

Is there any way to limit the amount of running that happens? The character will go to a completely different area when there are available veins immediately next to it. 

Sure, I can always modify the amount of movement, but first can you tell me whats your camera zoom, are you using stealth or mirror, and if stealth, using invokes? :D I believe zoomed out camera results in less movement, and invokes has the least amount of botted actions/movement which is ideal, but it's only compatible with stealth.

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3 hours ago, joskever said:

Accounts getting banned after using your woodcutting & motherlode scripts for 2 hours... Already 3 banned in a short period.
Something is flagging the detection system very easly.

It's really easy to avoid bans these days but can be hit or miss, this is why I added custom breaks, added more afk options, and more randomisation options in the mlm, and the more click intensive a skill is the shorter the run sessions should be (imo), people may disagree, but I've been doing crazy hours botting this way. I have on video soon some accounts reaching 400+ hours of runtime, even in f2p.

So if you do some quests (finish or just start quests), few skills (just up to level 5) then start botting, you'll see night and day difference in bans. Hope this helps - if you're ever unsure about anything please join our discord we'll help :D

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Getting this error
[ERROR][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(Unknown Source)
    at perfect.scripting.LoopScript.M(j:97)
    at perfect.scripting.LoopScript.f(j:1083)
    at d.w.w.CoN.b(yq:1157)
    at d.w.w.CoN.onLoop(yq:1268)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(lo:278)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: Had a slight no-no with checking sack space, message is: [Deposits left: 0]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: "sack_capacity" changed to "104"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: Setting default amount to 104. User does not have the upgraded sack.

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4 minutes ago, povinas1 said:

Getting this error
[ERROR][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(Unknown Source)
    at perfect.scripting.LoopScript.M(j:97)
    at perfect.scripting.LoopScript.f(j:1083)
    at d.w.w.CoN.b(yq:1157)
    at d.w.w.CoN.onLoop(yq:1268)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(lo:278)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: Had a slight no-no with checking sack space, message is: [Deposits left: 0]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: "sack_capacity" changed to "104"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 01:42:42 PM]: Setting default amount to 104. User does not have the upgraded sack.

I will help, are you using stealth/mirror? Please confirm. Also what did you set the multi ore to? I usually set it to 103 or 104 for the sack amount

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