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Perfect Miner AIO


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Ran the script for about 15 hours since last night, good stuff.



A bug I noticed when doing clay at Rimmington mine and using the deposit box;


Sometimes when being at the deposit box it just doesn't do anything. If you manually deposit it your ores the bot will resume and go to the mine and mine another load and return to the deposit box where it doesn't do anything again. I got a fix for it though: Walk manually to Draynor bank and resume the script there. It will walk back to the mine from there and store at the deposit box once again without problems. This happened twice, maybe just unlucky?




Also, anyone know how to have it so the client logs me back in automatically and resumes the script when I get logged out for some reason? I have an account configured in the Accounts section in OSBot.

Edited by fairbot17
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Could I have a trial? Not sure whether I want to pay 8.99 for it if it's buggy. 


woahhhhhhhhh mate calm down


here's 48 hours ;) enjoy and let me know how it goes. there is a pending version update so i gave you extra 24 hours


atm the rocks with the old design may have bugs, so avoid al-kharid until Perfect Miner AIO 0.07 is live

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Hi Czar, having some issues with the script mining iron/banking it at Varrock west bank. It keeps clicking back and forth on the mining veins that have already been mined. When it's full inventory it starts spamming this error code:

ERROR][bot #1][07/13 10:03:02 PM]: Error in script executor!
    at perfect.api.script.a.CoM2.G(jd:62)
    at NUl.G(wn:262)
    at COn.onLoop(wn:71)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(zo:164)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)




I tried mining Silver to see if that fixed it but it kept spamming on the empty veins.


Edited by towelman
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Thanks for the tips!
Bug? (Using ''choose from screen'')
I encountered one problem when I started mining Iron Ore at Varrock South-West, it didn't bank when the inventory was full. It stands there and does nothing, I waited for 5 minutes and clicked once in the direction of the bank, as I did that, it continued. But then the same problem started all over again when the inventory was full.
Small update 12:22:
As I used ''Choose from list'' it was fixed and walked straight to the bank when the inventory was full. Still maybe something to fix at ''Choose from screen'' when mining at Varrock South-West.

Small update 15:05:
There is clearly something going on with the banking, when mining Iron Ores at Varrock South-west it doesn't bank unless you click once the path towards the bank. Both methods fail, list/screen picking. When powermining everything seems fine.

Edited by HesselBro
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I would say no more than 12 hours/day without mirror mode,and 24/7 with mirror mode tongue.png

As for varrock west bank, fixed (added a delay), but until my update is visible, try changing up the mining style or mine something that spawns fast


Thanks, I'm having the same issue at Remmington w/ iron ore. Clay seems to work fine and brings it to the deposit box.

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