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Perfect Miner AIO


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With granite mining, make sure to select M1D1 and it will solve everything, in the meantime I am going to change the inventory system so it will work normally even if there are gems in the inventory or waterskins etc.


Update has been posted biggrin.png


EDIT : Hold up, what do you want the bot to do if you are powermining and your inventory is full of gems? :o

Edited by Czar
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Small bug report: after using Perfect Miner for around 30 minutes at varrock east, there's a small bug (does not affect the bot in a bad way) I noticed: http://screencast.com/t/SHwMKQY8S


Picture when at bank: http://screencast.com/t/dbuxDkaMg


When I hover over the yellow squares, I can "select" them. By that, I mean they're turning white.


Here's one at mining guild: http://screencast.com/t/fPIyT3hj


I don't know how it happened, but I did not touch the bot and input was disabled.


Another one at mining guild: http://screencast.com/t/UEuRIa2NsOK


Bot is not doing anything. Just standing still with a full inv. It looks like it relogged or something because the only thing I see in the chatbox is "Welcome to Runescape.".

Edited by Jeune Padawan
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With granite mining, make sure to select M1D1 and it will solve everything, in the meantime I am going to change the inventory system so it will work normally even if there are gems in the inventory or waterskins etc.


Update has been posted biggrin.png


EDIT : Hold up, what do you want the bot to do if you are powermining and your inventory is full of gems? ohmy.png

Personally I'd like it to bank the gems for me but I wouldn't be upset if it just dropped them.

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Is it possible to make the miner mine only ores that are not currently being mined by other players? That'd be great for mining coal in mining guild!

Is it possible to make the miner mine only ores that are not currently being mined by other players? That'd be great for mining coal in mining guild!


Also, I don't know if the bot is updated but I got stuck at mining guild: http://screencast.com/t/NKl7mvibn


I have to manually take the bot near the ladder then the bot starts working again.

Edited by Jeune Padawan
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