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Perfect Miner AIO


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On 8/12/2023 at 7:04 AM, sweets said:

Hey sir, Can you please check out why Sandstone option in Quarry not working?

Script saying calculating but not doing anything. Was working before

Nothing changed or broke it should continue working as normal, please restart client :D 

Added all trials gl guys enjoy :) 

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  • Czar changed the title to Perfect Miner AIO
9 hours ago, Clemy009 said:

I am using the ardy cloak also yeah, its just when running back to south ardougne bank. Sometimes it gets it right, but wrong just as often.

Thx for confirming, I will make it right for you!

7 hours ago, azumell said:

Can I get a trial of this one?

Yes done added trial enjoy, you will now see the bot in your client :D 

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On 8/27/2023 at 11:01 PM, osrsmaxpls said:

Is there a possibility of adding a feature to chisel amethyst instead of banking? That'd be top tier

I will see if this conflicts with the crafter bot + market rules!

On 8/30/2023 at 4:36 PM, Mactire420 said:

Hello! Would it be possible to get a trial for this? Thanks! 🙂

Sure :D

On 8/31/2023 at 5:50 AM, devildash said:

@Czar trial please? is there anything special needed for the sandstone?

Sure :D Nothing special, just either noted waterskins (bandit store un-noting method) or humidify spell with lunars. The first method is available for any type of account no requirements.

On 9/1/2023 at 9:54 AM, Dubskii said:

Apologies if this was already answered, Does this support Sandstone quarry mining and crushing the sandstone into sand?

Yessir it will submit the sandstone into the hopper :D

13 hours ago, Konshens said:

@Czar hey man, the script does nothing when I try to run it on lovakite ores.

Using list mode or choose rocks from screen? Either way I'll test it maybe jagex changed something.

10 hours ago, harrysnul said:

I already have your motherlode mine script and several other scrips from you.

Would I be able to try this script? If possible a 48houre trial.   the next 2 days I can only play a few hours each day and I would really love to try this script properly!

Sure :D Done enjoy :)

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