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Perfect Magic AIO


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Love the script, making insane XP!!! One suggestion tho: When I'm superheating steel bars, the bot clicks take-X for both iron ore and coal. A faster method would be to take the appropriate amount of iron ore, and then use take-all option for coal. Since OSRS now has a take-X memory option, you could just use that for iron and take-all for coal, making the bot slightly faster. I would assume it does the same for mith and up, so maybe change all those too but steel is all I need at this point, thanks in advance!

Edited by Russian
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For safespotting, I am planning on adding a system where, 


you start the script on the safespot position, then the script will set it there, then just run the script as normal. However I highly recommend not going in areas which require safespot, as it is less safer


Thank you I'd really appreciate you adding this feature as its the main reason I purchased this since it said on the sales page it safe-spots. Standing outside a fence isn't really safe spotting in bot terms :P

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Because this script doubles as a range bot, could I ask for a few (not so easy) features to be included? (It'd benefit the magers too)

-If npc is under attack already, do not try to attack it further. (seems to attack same target whilst already attacking)

-Discontinue clicking on it when the npc death animation is occuring

-If multiple npc's exist, don't always attack the closest one. (i'd guess this can be patternized)


Lemme know if/when you do this. That would be fantastic. Because who wants to buy a zen aio fighter script anyway?


edit: should change up click duration. i know sometimes my click is really fast and others are so slow that i could basically drag an item from one inventory slot to another ( i assume jagex is finding this pattern of same click durations)

Edited by Gnomedesto
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