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Perfect Magic AIO


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Hi czar,


got a trial of you, but when i use string jewellery, its click 7/10 times outside of the spell icon. its after running 10 minuts only getting 30 k xp a hour witch is verry low for string jewellery.


read in some post before you fixed the lunarr the lunars spells is the update already on sdn?


using mirror methode, and it doenst give any error's in the error console.

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I will make fast mode faster :P I'm glad to hear normal mode is fine though :D


@Choward97 I will make some changes to the Tan Leather spell, thanks for feedback :D


@Jaap make sure you have hooked mirror mode correctly, (stay logged out of RS while hooking mirror mode) then continue relog if you made the mistake of staying logged in :P I will decrease the rectangle of the spell to avoid misclicks, although I highly suggest misclicks due to extra human-ness


enjoy ;)

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If you can find the right place to bot, you can bot up to 18 hours/day tongue.png Just need to know the best way
generally I would say:

The general rule: 
non-mirror = bot max 12 hours /day
mirror = bot max 18 hours /day
log out when there are livestreams, log out in update days (thursdays), don't login straight after an update, bot from 9-5 uk time (if you are truly paranoid), speak every once in a while to avoid being reported as a bot
and that is how to to not get banned. Botting is against rules though, so there is always a chance of ban

Also, just posted a quick update for plank make spell, next update will revolve around making spells even more efficient ;)

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If you can find the right place to bot, you can bot up to 18 hours/day tongue.png Just need to know the best way


generally I would say:


Also, just posted a quick update for plank make spell, next update will revolve around making spells even more efficient wink.png

Haha I suppose with the guidelines I could, I'm still unsure where would be a "safe" location for it. I don't think many people would be able to alch for 18 hours a day either lol


Script is a champ though, definitely would trust it to work that long

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