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Super sorry for the waste of a reply if there is a super easy fix. I'm just getting back into botting and have never botted high level alching before.


Every time I try to high level alch Earth battlestaff's (and I've checked that 'Earth battlestaff' is being spelled correctly in each attempt to fix this) something seems to go awry where the bot opens my spell book, then just clicks the x to log out and does nothing. I thought maybe it was a rest / break I had set after a certain amount of time, though everything is off and this happens after waiting 4 hours as well as giving everything a hard restart. Thanks for the help / un-lobotomizing of my ways in advance x)

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Are you getting fps drops at the exact time the player animates? Also, are you using mirror client? Confirm please ^^ :D

As for alching - in reply to both posts: are you guys setting the client to fixed mode? Make sure you are on fixed mode and not resized mode, it will help with stability of the script. In any case I will run some more test to make sure everything is still working okay with alching ^^ :D

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12 hours ago, Czar said:

Are you getting fps drops at the exact time the player animates? Also, are you using mirror client? Confirm please ^^ :D

As for alching - in reply to both posts: are you guys setting the client to fixed mode? Make sure you are on fixed mode and not resized mode, it will help with stability of the script. In any case I will run some more test to make sure everything is still working okay with alching ^^ :D

Yes fixed it doesn't happen very often but when it does it just sits there. works great otherwise. Also happens when stun/alching.

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The fps drop is pretty much during the whole process. Yes Im using mirror mode but the thing is that I used to run this script smoothly, only started to happen since that day. 


I got 2 small gifs. Hope they help out.


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I got this script the other day but i'm having trouble getting it started..? I'm choosing the "damage spell(attack npc)" option but it doesn't do anything. I'm trying to using wind strike but after i click start, the bot just sits there even though i place it next to enemies AND i give it the supplies it needs to cast the spell.

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On 5/7/2019 at 2:45 PM, Czar said:

Seems to be the npc that you chose? Can you confirm using a different npc (normal npc). In any case I will try and add an option to reduce memory by not tracking some animations and exp and whatnot, update coming up ^^ :D 

I've tried once again on a normal npc and it keeps dropping my fps. The thing is that this only started a few days ago and it's the only script that does it. Once i stop the script everything is normal and i can do it manually at regular speed without any issues 😕

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@cannibal02 can you confirm that you set the client to fixed mode? It should work after that. If not, let me know. If it still doesn't work, please tell me. In the meantime I will run some more tests. :D

As for stun/alch, don't forget your -65 magic bonus :doge:

As for the drop in f2p, I will have to consult with devs, it is strange that it just started happening now, I will get to the bottom of it. Perhaps I need to make a custom spell handler again, will see. in the meantime I will be coding that low resource option. Try to zoom in the camera to have less items on screen maybe there is an fps increase? Also, are you enabling any client-side options such as low resources option?

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