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For red salamanders I am only getting about 40k xp per hour because every time a trap is dismantled the bot's priority is to pick up all the nets and ropes before setting up a new trap. Is this fixable? Because I am scared to run the bot any longer because it is easily detectable.

Easy fix :)

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ProjectPact's AIO Hunter









(Follow this thread for all news and updates!)

















***To create your personal Dynamic Signature***









What Is Mmail?

- With Mmail you can send and receive emails from your mobile without any complicated set up or subscription charges.

How Can I Set Up Mmail?

- Compose a text message with the word, 'ON' and send it to shortcode 212. Then simply follow the on-screen prompts. If, at any point, you want to cancel this service simply send the word 'OFF' to shortcode 212.

What's My Mmail Address?

- Your Mmail address will be your mobile number with country code (+44 for UK mobile numbers EXAMPLE: +447711123456)

How Much Will It Cost?

- It will cost the same cost as any text message to send a message or request additional parts. Any messages received will be charged at 10p (Inc Vat). This may not be the case for every user. Some users have reported that their plan contains an unlimited amount of sms to be sent to their phones. To correctly determine your individual plan, please contact your server provider. 

What Needs To Be Entered In The Script?

- You must enter in your 13 digit number (including the "+44"). See the example number above on what it should look like. Please leave out any spaces, dashes, or parentheses in your number.


Want a FREE 12hr Trial?

Like the main thread post and leave a message with your OSBot ID asking for a trail!

Want a FREE 24hr Trial?

Like the main thread post and leave a message with your OSBot ID asking for a trail AND place a picture of the script logo in your signature!




Achieved in a under 1 day on a brand new account! QwPha8E.png





Achieved in a under 28 hours on a brand new account! QwPha8E.png


Extremely stable!





Progression Mode is in testing QwPha8E.png


What features should I look for on this AIO Hunter?

My AIO Hunter is packed with amazing logic that not only puts it above the competition, but surpasses it by a mile stone(s). What exactly do I mean by that? I have written out hundreds of lines of smart bot technology to assure the consumer that they are receiving the most advanced hunter bot out there. The bot is designed to never get confused with the tasks it is given. This bot will ONLY recognize your traps, and attempt to interact with the ones you have laid out. The bot also has multiple fail safes so that you will never have to worry about it getting stuck. Not to mention the dynamic trap layout system that has been created for this script. Now we all know OSBot is advancing, but unfortunately not at the speed I needed for my AIO Hunter, which is why I wrote my own custom methods. These methods allow the script to leave the competition in the dust!

What makes this AIO Hunter script better than the rest?

Simple, I have made a dynamic trap layout system which will not only look more human like, but to also make the bot harder for Jagex to keep up with. For an example of what different trap layouts are available for laying out 2 traps at a time, please look below! (The different trap layouts are made from laying down just 1 trap, all the way up to laying 5 traps down). The bot will pick different locations for each trap and will not place a trap on another object or RS2Object. The bot also ALWAYS knows which trap locations are active and which are not... this helps so people can't come by and try to mess your character up. When starting the script, the bot caches your surroundings. It notices all objects, and traps other players have placed down too, making sure you never try to set a trap on an object, or another players traps. Not only does this dynamic trap system perfectly for box trap/ bird snare hunting, but it also does an amazing job for deadfall and salamanders! With these two types of hunting, the bot will determine your best fit traps. It will pick your layout of traps randomly, making sure no two players could choose the same traps if they were next to each other running the script. This trap system has never been seen before, and I'm excited to see how everyone likes it!



New GUI:


What is smart paint technology?

Smart paint technology is a new way of viewing your bots. Not only is it extremely helpful to get a good quick look at your bots, but it also lets you know how active they are. So what exactly does it do? Basically, I have set aside certain colors to allow the user to know when their trap(s) are ready for interaction. So the colors are as followed:

Green - The trap has caught something

Yellow - The trap needs to be dismantled

Red - The trap has fallen over

White - Trap is set up and waiting to catch something

Orange - The spot where a trap is supposed to go is empty

What is smart hop for Chinchompas?

Smart hop is a very new feature that I decided to create. What does it actually do? Smart hop activates when a player is near you (less than 7 tiles away) AND box traps have been placed that aren’t in the spots designated for you (I made smart hop do this because you wouldn’t want to hop worlds if someone was just standing next to you not hunting). Before switching words, smart hop will pick up all traps that have been laid out, making sure you don't leave any traps behind!

What is quick hop for Black chinchompas?

Quick hop is used ONLY for black chins. It is activated when a player appears ANYWHERE on your mini-map and quickly hops worlds. It does not pick up any traps since you are in a place of danger (in the wilderness where you can die). If you hop worlds enough times and lose all your traps, the script will stop automatically so you don't keep hopping worlds with no traps. This is a safety feature designed for hunting black chins to make sure you don't lose your valuable profit!

What is get more traps?

Get more traps is only available for box trap hunting and bird snares. If, for some reason, you run out of box traps (either being disconnected, lagging out, or somehow the script loses a trap, you will walk to the closest bank based on your position, and withdraw more traps needed. If however you are out of traps, the script will simply log out!

What is pre-set patterns?

Preset patterns become available to you if you are able to place more than 4 traps down. The pre-set patterns are well known layout for fast exp and profit. These layouts include layouts such as, Anti-fire trap, fire trap, and crossbone (for 6 traps).

What is low CPU mode?

Low CPU mode reduces the amount of times the script calls for objects. This has been shown to reduce CPU usage by 30 - 55%. The only downside of using low CPU mode is that it disables smart paint.

What is debug mode?

Debug mode is a useful tool to help me find out any errors or bugs that you are having. These logs are stored in your OSBot folder, and do not have any effect on your computer at all. It is a super small text document that shows the entire run log of the script.




- Progressive leveling


- Most advanced anti-pattern out of any AIO Hunting scripts

- Never before seen progress report updates (Texting updates & Email updates)

- Over 50+ supported server providers for SMS progress updates

- Banking support

- Gather more traps from bank support

- Real AIO selection

- Collects traps before logging out to break

- Priority system with traps

- Smart bot technology

- Will not break on RS updates

- Black chin support with Quick hop

- Dynamic trap layout support

- My custom never before seen Smart paint technology

- Custom interaction method

- Advanced search algorithms

- Supports setting up 1 - 5 traps at a time

- Custom advanced placement method

- Smart player Area detection

- Never interact with someone else's traps

- Dynamic time scheduling for most realistic interactions

- Productive GUI with EVERYTHING you need

- Extremely responsive to surrounding

- Dynamic Signatures

- Randomly generated order for setting up trap spots

- Designed for most xp/hr

- State change display to know exactly what the bot is doing

- My custom never before seen Smart Hop

- Extremely stable

Current Functioning Hunter Tasks:

(green - complete || yellow - started || red - incomplete)


Crimson swifts

Golden warblers

Copper longtails

Cerulean twitches

Tropical wagtails


Ruby harvest

Sapphire glacialis

Snowy knight

Black warlock


Wild kebbits

Barb-tailed kebbits

Prickly kebbits

Sabre-toothed kebbits


(Will automatically get an eagle if 500gp is in your inventory)

Spotted kebbits

Dark kebbits

Dashing kebbits

Box Trap:



Red chinchompas

Black chinchompas

Net Trap:

Swamp lizards

Orange salamanders

Red salamanders

Black salamanders


Complete Update Log:


version 4.2: (November 15, 2016)


* fixed a bug found in salamander and deadfall which made them stop working after a little while


*fixed a problem loading the GUI picture of the recommended items for progression



version 4.1: (November 4, 2016)


* fixed salamanders and deadfall from not starting
* fixed an error that would happen if you started the script outside of the maxTraps parameter
* added a new popup warning if you are not in the most suitable location
* fixed picking up fallen traps not being picked up
* added a few new checks to trapping
* updated the warning for starting the script with less than 3 slots open
* prepared the script for OSBot 2.4.99

version 4.0: (October 19, 2016)


* release of the beta version of Progressive leveling


* fixed a castle wars teleport bug


* fixed SQL injection for high scores


* fixed a paint NPE with trap spots


* fixed a conversation starter bug


* fixed a startup error


* fixed releasing salamanders


* reordered the trapping layout for salamanders


* increased trapping speed


* removed quick hop for black salamanders


* fixed a bug if a spot was not walkable, you wouldn’t try to relocate positions


* fixed a tooltip bug in GUI


* rewrote trap spots not handling when you can’t place a trap 


* fixed a spam of checking traps


* updates were made dealing with the comparator method



version 3.9: (October 8, 2016)


* fixed a NPE when doing salamanders 



version 3.8: (June 22, 2016)


* fixed a bug where you would quick hop even if your mule was near to trade you
* fixed if you are deadly hunting (black chins or black salamanders), you will ONLY hop in the wilderness if a player’s combat level is +/- the wilderness level
* edited multiple drop timers
* fixed an advanced hover bug that would hover the empty spot when it was on a tab other than inventory
* added alching support for trap hunting (FIRST HUNTER BOT TO EVER SUPPORT THIS)



version 3.7: (June 4, 2016)


* fixed runtime boldness for falconry & butterflies


* fixed a bug that would stop trading a mule if a trap collapsed


* fixed a bug where the bot would freeze if an item was selected


* fixed the script up for the newest Dev versions of OSBot. 


* added new message letting you know when you log out after reaching a desired level


* fixed a logging out check if you’ve been in combat


* fixed not logging out while doing other tasks besides traps



version 3.6: (May 26, 2016)


* complete anti crash system implemented
* rewrote my trap pickup task to be able to handle the new anti crash system
* added a new check for smart hop
* added a new combat timer to quick hop & smart hop
* added new hopping criteria to meet
* fixed a world hop delay that could potentially get you killed
* fixed a bug trying to teleport when you are inside a bank already
* Hide paint option has been added
* new cache paint system


version 3.5: (May 22, 2016)


* fixed auto talker not working



version 3.4: (May 17, 2016)


* now buries bones after setting up trap
* fixed a bury bones bug
* added Mule trader support


version 3.3: (May 14, 2016)


* fixed a logout after level message error on GUI
* removed OSBot’s teleport handler and am using a custom one I made
* fixed the report a bug button
* fixed not picking up traps before logging out after reaching level X
* player will now run to 30 wilderness before trying to teleport
* added prayer levels gained in the paint when burry bones is toggled
* fixed a texting bug that was caused by OSBot's new security updates for reading a writing


version 3.2: (May 4, 2016)


* stopped the level up talking bug
* created new things for the auto talker to say when asked about levels


version 3.1:  (May 1, 2016)


* added a new check in BuryBonesTask
* fixed an always hop problem
* fixed a smart hop bug
* added a 3 spots open reminder when starting the script if your inventory does not have 3 spots open
* added times replied counter for replying to users when using the conversation handler



version 3.0:


* fixed an EatingTask bug 
* fixed salamanders


version 2.9:


* fixed a falconry bug for trying to catch wrong npc


* rewrote debugger to show logger info


* fixed a state display typo


* added more use logger information to let users know what the bot is doing


* fixed painter NPE


* fixed multiple QuickHop NPE (branched from painter NPE)


* fixed a double clicking bug when attempting to walk to dismantle or check a trap



version 2.8:


* fixed if a player walks over a trap that needs to be dismantled or checked, it will now interact with it instead of waiting for the trap to collapse


* fixed an eating bug that would not eat if you were under attack while walking back to the trap spot


* removed a few unwanted timers


* made the script perform better on mirror mode by converting some methods


* removed some depreciated methods


* fix teleporting if a player follows you


* fixed a false bug dealing with player attacking


* fixed the npc caught bug


* rewrote my custom bury bones method


* rewrote part of my custom dropping method


* added the number of bones buried in the paint


* added a reset timer in a falconry delay


* stopped computing max traps every 5 seconds and made it do it every time you level up. This lowers CPU


* created a backup timer in case level up message is bugged, which is unlikely


* fixed an auto talker handler bug


* rewrote part of my isActive handler


* fixed active trapping timers


* made failsafes for turning certain timers off


* reordered how trapping is configured by adding more randomness


* fixed a player under attack check


* fixed OSBot’s new writing error


* added new debug info


* fixed a bug dealing with fallen traps


* added a new timer reset to fallen traps


* fixed the traps switching from active to inactive halfway through the setup


* reported the teleporting bug in the wilderness and it has been fixed in OSBot 2.4.57


* added the ability to disable and enable the auto talker when it is running


* fixed a few paint NPE’s that would be thrown if script took too long starting up


* fixed a bug dealing with attempting to log out while under attack


* fixed a bug dealing with trying to switch worlds while under attack


* fixed a bug that would world hop if you were in the bank with always hop turned on


* hid some annoying log messages about walking


* added logger information for everything now so you know exactly what the script is doing


* rewrote my custom resetting trap method to make the spot return active so the script won’t break if you lag super hard anymore


* fixed a world hopping NPE


* fixed a timer bug that would not automatically go get a falcon if you don’t have one to start with


* fixed an onMessage NPE



version 2.7:


* added walk over traps option 


* added a log out after level "X" option


* fixed not grabbing your falcon before world hopping


* rewrote log out task to take traps before logging out after level "X"


* fixed a set up bug when you reached level "X" and needed to logout


* remodeled the GUI for a big update coming soon


* fixed a bug when trying to find Matthias when starting the script


* added NPE checks to banking box and log out box



version 2.6:


* fixed a pretty decent size memory leak


* added code to the onExit, which lowers heap usage


* still testing the new additions to the advanced mouse handler


* removed some dead code that was useless and revamped some existing code


* added more caching to some code making it more reusable, which will lower some CPU consumption


* fixed a falconry bug that would not talk to Matthias


* fixed a few falconry bugs with inventory caching


* added a new inventory monitor check for falconry when seeing if you have enough coins


* fixed a teleblock paint bug with positioning

(it covered your ip if you had show ip on)


* added a cache to your IP so it would lower some CPU


* fixed a NPE if your IP address came back empty

(switching proxy mid botting or switching VPN)


* added a cool new feature called "Live Feed" which allows me to post messages on the script live


* fixed a NPE if there was no live feed present 


* fixed a bug that did not show the "Report A Bug" button when running butterflies or falconry



version 2.5:


* fixed world hopping inventory cache bug
* fixed a banking bug that would walk to the bank on accident
* fixed a walking bug that would spam click
* added a salamander release check


version 2.4:


* fixed Salamander & Deadfall bugs
* made a quick fix on a caching bug detected for traps

version 2.3:


* fixed a bug when talking to Matthias 


* fixed a trap numbering bug


* created more caches in the code to lower CPU


* the GC usage was cut in half


* found a huge CPU bug that was eating up free CPU


* added over 10+ new checks to trapping


* fixed a banking bug


* added more antiban


* fixed an antiban bug that would activate even though you were under attack


* added a new anti-account ban system where if your traps ever somehow become messed up, it will take a picture of your computer screen and log you out to prevent any bans from happening.


* fixed a bug that would try to drop items when the bank was open


* fixed a bug that was trying to call traps available before traps were set 


* fixed a texting timer bug


* double checks to make sure inventory is open before trying to teleport with a tele tab


* makes sure inventory is selected again after running an antiban that changes the tabs


* added a new check for falconry when removing equipment


* fixed some interactions


* fixed a check that would occur when it didn’t need to


* fixed a bug that would try to talk to matthias after you already began


* put a new check when dropping items


* fixed a dialog bug with matthias


* fixed a bug that would keep world hopping if you had "Always hop" selected when you were trying to go to the bank.


* Added a new feature called, "Update Warning", which lets users know of new updates



version 2.2:


* I have fixed the evil magic bug that would hop back and forth between the magic tab and your inventory when determining if you could cast a spell. 
* I have updated the Advance Mouse Hover even more to work while setting up traps now as well instead of it just activating when checking or dismantling. 
* created a new custom check to verify if we are safe in the wildy, or not.
* fixed a bug that would teleport using your dueling ring twice in a row when trying to get to Castle Wars
* lowered CPU consumption 
* added "Always Hop", which will hop whenever there is any players visible
* reverted back to an older trap detection system to hopefully remove a bug
* added the ability for the bot to recognize if you need a new glory or dueling ring and it will withdraw them automatically when performing a banking task such as getting more traps or depositing chins.
(Currently will only grab out Amulet of glory(6) && Ring of dueling(8))
* will now stop trying to world hop if you are under attack
*the bot can now distinguish the difference between a player attacking you or an NPC attacking you, which caused a lot of false teleportations due to the bot thinking you were being PK'ed


*  fixed an eating bug while being under attack


* few more things were fixed as well



version 2.0 - 2.1:
* increased the speed of trap hunting
(if you encounter any errors or bugs let me know)
* added an advanced mouse hover which can be toggled on for box traps and bird snares
(This feature allows your mouse to hover the inventory slot where your bird snare or box trap will appear when you either check or dismantle a trap. Increases catches/ hr)
* fixed a bug that would double click the trap if you accidentally misclicked it the first time
* cleaned up the GUI tabs a lot so they aren't bouncing around the panel 
* I made dueling rings become back up if you don't have runes/ tabs/ or glory and you are in the wildy trying to either deposit or get more traps while black chin hunting
(You will teleport to the dueling arena)
* I also made dueling rings become a backup if you are ever attacked in the wilderness and don't have runes/ tabs/ or glory
(You will teleport to the dueling arena)
* fixed a bug that would make you teleport when you were attacked outside of the wildy by an NPC
* fixed low CPU mode to actually force OSBot's client into low CPU mode which helps a lot

version 1.9:

* updated my advanced trapping detection system

* added/ removed timers for trapping

* added FULL black chinchompa pk'er support

(Will run to 30 wildy and attempt to teleport if you have a glory with charges, runes, or teletabs to varrock or falador. If you have no way of teleporting, your player will run to the closest bank)

* rewrote the entire banking system for chinchompas

(added teleporting using a dueling ring if you are close to castle wars, or a glory with charges, runes, or teletabs to varrock or falador if you are closer to one of those locations. If you have no way of teleporting, your player will run to the closest bank)

* added full support for teleblock with a new paint display with a timer

(If you get teleblocked, a timer will show up with the time left in cool down. Your bot will NOT teleport while they are teleblocked, but instead run to the closest bank)

* enabled Pre-set traps automatically now

* made wildy level checks for all teleporting ways (minimum of level 30 for glory, and 20 for all other teleporting)

* fixed a chinchompa bug that would check/ dismantle multiple traps at the same time

* fixed a bug trying to get traps after teleporting

* rewrote my entire eating handler task

* fixed a bug that would not let you eat while you were walking

* fixed a bug that would not recognize you were in combat while walking

* fixed a bug that would not recognize other players while you were black chin hunting

* fixed a bug that would not recognize other players while you were black chin hunting and needed to either get more traps or deposit chinchompas

* fixed a bug when auto talking to another player, you would stop everything you were doing to reply

* added multiple custom checks for things such as if you are in the wildy, what level wildy you are in, if you can teleport, etc...

* added more than 10 new task classes

* placed multiple new fail-safes in multiple spots of the code

* fixed a bug that tried to walk on a spot that you were already on


version 1.8:

* instead of "take" a trap when it falls over, you will now re-lay it.

* when a trap needs to be dismantled or checked, you will randomly either walk over it before you interact with it, or will interact with it like it in general. smile.png

* fixed some interaction problems that would make you try to interact with the spot while you were moving causing a misclick.

* added a new fail-safe timer to falconry just for backup.

* added a better diversity of mouse handling for falconry

* a few other minor adjustments

version 1.7:

* fixed your player trying to catch the wrong falcon

* fixed your player thinking you lost your falcon

* rewrote my Matthias task

* added death walking

(Get More Traps must be enabled! The bot will go to your bank if you die and get more traps, then walk back to the trap spawns)

* added more Anti-Pking stuff for black chins & black salamanders

(If you get attacked, instead of standing still and dying, you will now make an attempt to run back to the bank. If you have food in your inventory, you will eat some at 50% health points.)

version 1.6:

* added banking

(will find the closest bank to your based on your position and walk to it)


* added getting more equipment support for box traps and bird snares. Based on an advanced system that works amazing!

* edited black chin hunting & black salamander hunting to NOT quick hop when you are banking/ out of the wilderness.

* added a fail safe which will handle if your character ever walks >= 10 spots away from your trap layout if you aren't banking or getting more traps.

* added an isAdvancedTrapping feature to detect when and when not to use certain webwalking features.

* removed Yanielle from my custom bank grabber. It was too dangerous for low levels with Ogres being present

(I died twice testing so decided to remove)

* picks up traps before going to the bank so you don't leave any behind.

* updated the GUI to allow you to enter the amount of chinchompas caught before banking.

* fixed my custom break handler not activating correctly.

* also fixed a bug that when the break handler was activated, it would pick up traps and then attempt to relay them.

* fixed multiple bugs dealing with playerSize > 1

(mainly for black chinchompas and salamanders)

* a few more things that are behind the scenes.

version 1.4 - 1.5:

* fixed wilderness trap layout bug

(+1 traps to your max traps in the wilderness)

* fixed a logger bug

* added a new pre-set trap layout for 6 traps

version 1.3:

* fixed a Matthias bug

* added Pre-set Layouts

(These layouts will work for placing 4-6 traps. They are the well known layout positions for max xp/hr)

* added debugging mode

(if ran in debug mode will show you a complete log of what the script is doing and will help give me information if it messes up on you)

* added low CPU mode

(this mode disables regional object rendering, which can be heavy CPU for some.)

* added dynamic signatures

* fixed a hint arrows bug

* fixed trying to pick up the wrong falcon

* fixed my detection method for having a falcon

* fixed multiple other random bugs

version 1.1 - 1.2:

* fixed SMS support for UK users

(Tutorial posted on original post)

* fixed Matthias so if you lose your bird, your player will get another

* rewrote most of Falconry, allowing crazy exp/hr

* added multiple fail safes to Falconry

* fixed a GUI bug

* added a few new server providers to the SMS list

version 1.0:

* added smart flower handling if players try to plant flowers under you to mess your bot up

version 0.9:

* added a combat manager to handle if your player accidentally clicks on a chin

version 0.8:

* fixed a bug while running salamanders

* fixed the NPE that occurred when loading paint

* added an option to display your current public IP address

(This allows you to check if your VPN/Proxy is working correctly)

* started adding more advanced options (not release yet)

version 0.7:

* added over 50 different server providers for SMS messaging updates

(If yours still isn't on the list, please let me know!)

* added more randomness to your antiban frequency

(if you choose to run your antiban every 30 sec, it will add a (+-) random #)

* fixed a small typo with the SMS messenger

version 0.6:


* created a brand new GUI from scratch

* added texting support to send you notifications of your bot to your phone

(if you server provider is not on the list, please let me know & I will add)

* added email support to send you notifications of your bot to your email

* added the ability to automatically start conversations with random users

* added the ability to automatically respond to players communicating with you (cleverbot)

* added a feature to handle trade request (if someone tries to trade with you it replies to them)

* the script now automatically update the traps depending on your level (ex. from 19-20 you will set 2 traps at a time)

* added an AntiBan with a custom timer you may set

* added an option to show smart paint, or to hide it

* added the ability to turn smart hop on or off

* added to ability to bury bones

* fixed a CopyOnWhiteArray error that would happen randomly when using deadfall

* fixed multiple NPC names that were showing up as craziness instead of the NPC name

* fixed a massive delay bug when using falconry

* fixed a bug when checking or dismantling traps

* fixed multiple paint bugs

* added a new way of showing large profits by using (#k or #m)

* some walking bugs have been taken care of

* multiple parts of the script have been rewritten

* fixed a bug found in the dropping task

* fixed multiple configuration bugs which would cause errors behind the scenes

* a lot of other bug fixes that I am blanking out on as well!

version 0.4 - 0.5:

* ferrets will now be dropped once your inventory fills

* swap lizards will be correctly dropped now

* interaction changes have been made with falconry and butterfly hunting

version 0.3:

* re-added break handler support! Bot will now pick up traps before logging out

version 0.2:

* fixed a bug that made the script not function for some users

version 0.1:

* updated removing weapons for falconry before talking to get a falcon

* found a NPE when setting the painter

* updated the OutOfTrapsTask that would run sometimes when world hopping

* added BreakManager support! Traps will now be picked up before logging out to break

* placed a reminder on the paint & log to start the script with 3 inventory spots open

* fixed a bug that would release chins if they were in your inventory while hunting butterflies

* fixed a bug that thought you were out of traps when your player was not visible

* rewrote the release method for butterflies and salamanders

* fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to release your butterflies if you didn't have a full inventory

* fixed non-trapping hunting styles from not being able to take breaks

* fixed a smart-hop bug that would happen before a break

* fixed the worlds hopped paint not updating

* numerous other little bugs



* fixed salamanders

* fixed a few salamander paint bugs

* found an isActive bug for salamanders

* fixed falconry double catch bug

* updated version history

* ready for initial release QwPha8E.png


* found the paint bug with the smart paint flashing sometimes

* rewrote parts of the trap set up to fix the last isActive bug I could find

* fixed the take method when a trap dropped (isActive bug broke it but is fixed now)

* fixed a bug in the paint for calculating data for non-trap settings (Ex. butterflies)


* finally settled in with school so I can fix more things!

* Rewrote the entire dropping method for faster dropping rates for more xp and $$$

* a big isActive bug was fixed

* worked out many other bugs


* finished a lot of bugs related to paint

* added world information

* fixed multiple NPE

* had the initial release of Beta 0 to the second round of testers


* completely rewrote the entire script with a custom task system (created by Lemons)

* improved the efficiency on literally everything

* fixed over 30 annoying bugs (too many to list)

* a lot of updates have happened in the last few weeks


* the script has been rewritten into multiple classes

* fixed a really big bug in spot activity

* continued to tweak up smart hop

* a lot of other various bugs


* finally added my custom Smart Hop for chins

* finished up profit & profit/ hr (grabs prices from OSBuddy)

* added more tree support for kebbits

* fixed some items not being dropped

* fixed bugs on smart hopper

* stops script if you run out of materials

* remade my onMessage listener

* fixed a bug with picking up ground items

* decreased certain timers


* added black chin world hopping

* fixed an inventory bug when catching chins

* added a new check to deadfall

* started more work on profits

* released BETA 11


* smart paint technology is finally done

* fixed a bug with deadfall not cutting down trees with axe in hand

* fixed other wood cutting bugs

* fixed a deadfall log spam

* made player walk back to starting area after collecting wood

* started more work on lizards

* BETA 10 has been released


* fixed the annoying problem with butterflies... they all work perfect now

* BETA 7 has been released


* rewrote the drop method due to annoying handling bug

* started profit and profit/hr

* fixed a few minor various bugs


* rewrote my custom inventory method

* added 2 more failsafe checks for setting traps

* working on smart paint still

* added a mouse trail (don't know if I wanna keep or not)

* fixed other minor various bugs


* fixed a bug in pickup up box traps

* edited falconry to see if it fixes it for mirror client

* Beta 2 has been pushed


* BETA 1 has been pushed


* fixed one small bug in dropping

* fixed retrieving kibbets

* got more work done on salamanders

* done a lot of beta testing to make sure everything is running smooth for the release wink.png


* rewrote the dropping method

* added random colors to the equipment position spots

* fixed a deselecting bug when dropping items

* the % TNL was not positioned correctly in paint


* added paint for equipment positions

* rewrote parts of the bird handling

* fixed bugs with deadfall

* rewrote trap number determining

* fixed onMessage bugs

* fixed bird snare checking handler

* found the bug with taking ground items

* found unwanted NPE that would happen rarely






Here is a picture of my smart hop feature! Someone came and started putting traps down next to me so it hopped until it found a new world. The Worlds Hopped paint was updated when it did it as well. wink.png








(Bot picked up all traps before logging out)


Next Version Updates

***If you find a bug, please report it so I can fix it for the next version release*** smile.png


You can report bugs HERE


Progress Reports:






To set up your personal dynamic signature as your OSBot signature, click on your username on the top right corner, and click on "My Profile." Once there, on the top right corner of the page it says, "Edit My Profile." Now, on the left side of your page it says, "Signature." When signature opens up, scroll down and you will see where you can edit your signature. Go ahead and head over to my website to generate your personal signature, "http://projectpactscripting.com/AIO_Hunter.php". Once you enter your name and generate your custom dynamic signature, copy the URL link. Next, head back over to OSBot's website and click on the little picture box. A new box should open up. This is where you need to paste the url for your dynamic signature inside there and hit done. Now your dynamic signature should be set in your signature for all to see! smile.png





A new update warning has been added! This will allow users to know when there has been an update pushed to the script. It will run at the beginning before the script starts. If the script is up to date, no message will appear. However, if the script is not up to date, a message will appear letting users know that an update has been made, and to please hold tight until the developers can push the update. Once the developers push the update, the message will stop appearing. biggrin.png





Also, just because you see this message DOES NOT mean the script isn't working. It just means a newer version is on the way, and that you should totally read the change log. biggrin.png








Also, a BIG thanks to dudeami! biggrin.png


For the best results while using this script, use Injection mode, as mirror mode is still buggy




***Don't forget to check out some of my other scripts!***


ProjectPact's Jug of Wine Maker


(click link above)



hey bro thanks i will like it

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