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Eagle Scripts

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10 minutes ago, Rumple said:

Thanks for the trial. 

Few bugs,


1. bot get stuck at Phials unoting it talks to him instead of using notes on him and needs to be watched.

2.when building oak lauders it get stuck after it builds it wants to keep pushing Number 2. instead of destroying lauder.



Please make screenshots of both. Also; did you 100% make sure you started it like the 1st page of the thread tells you to?

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Just now, svampen said:

Same for me with oak laoders it get stuck trying remove for 3-5min then keep going and somethimes it stucks trying to talk with butler and i need to restart the script and its working again until it get stuck there again.

Are you starting the script exactly like the main thread tells you; so far all the reports have been fixed by telling the people that they should actually look at the 1st post to make sure they're starting it correctly.

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