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Obama hired an anger translator.


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I'm all for this kind of stuff, but not when you're the President of the United States. It's considered (or at least was) considered the most prestigious position in the world. On an international scale our President doing this kind of stuff makes our country look like as much of a joke as his policies. If you're going to do this stuff do it after you're out of office. His job is to be the President, not be a celebrity.

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I'm all for this kind of stuff, but not when you're the President of the United States. It's considered (or at least was) considered the most prestigious position in the world. On an international scale our President doing this kind of stuff makes our country look like as much of a joke as his policies. If you're going to do this stuff do it after you're out of office. His job is to be the President, not be a celebrity.

He's human, not God.

I can see you being the strict, play by the book type of person...

This is actually a comedy bit from the TV show Keye and something funny that Obama really did it though

Key and Peele.
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I'm all for this kind of stuff, but not when you're the President of the United States. It's considered (or at least was) considered the most prestigious position in the world. On an international scale our President doing this kind of stuff makes our country look like as much of a joke as his policies. If you're going to do this stuff do it after you're out of office. His job is to be the President, not be a celebrity.


He's done everything he can in office now and won't be serving another term. He's got the most stressful job in the world, he may as well enjoy the last stretch of it!

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