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Dispute against EasyGoldStop Possibly.[Scammed 25m 07]


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Disputed member: EasyGoldStop


Thread Link: Havent got thread anymore.


Explanation: I have texted EasyGoldStop 1 day ago asking what are his current buying rates for 07 GP, i wanted to sell my gp for 2.2$/m but his offer was 2.1$, so i just declined the offer, the next day - today i asked him again if maybe he would be able to buy my gold for 2.2$ each, but he was still saying 2.1$ so i just went and looked for another buyer. I then went to my thread and bumped it to find a new seller. I got added to skype by a guy called "Grind", and i deleted the chat when I texted him but didnt get reply. After that the same guy texted me but changed his name to "EasyGoldStop[James] Horvak" exactly the same as the "real" one. He asked me if im "STILL" doing 2.2$/m because he wanted to sell to someone quickly for 2.8$/m, after that he told me he will add a note of whatever i asked him to in paypal to confirm it was him, but i asked him to send me an PM on Osbot, and he did. I traded him the 25m and on the second screen he confirmed that i gave him 25m so i accepted. After that he said "thank you, got it" and left the chat, (pretty stupid for trading the gp in a chat not sure why but i thought it's a MM or something since he wanted to go first). He changed his name back to "Grind" and deleted me off the skype.


Evidence: http://gyazo.com/f34e9ccae410f2f72f46616d658849d9 (some guy added me to skype, didnt get no reply and ended the chat)




                http://gyazo.com/8b1c6e13d3ed37a59bc4fdaac288f867 (scammers profile)


                http://gyazo.com/d70f26f276fd0d837536f2d886bc7e3f (added to a chat)


                http://gyazo.com/2bd13eef4ff76801200a16ba405916c1 (mentions if im " STILL" doing 2.2$/m which i havent told anyone else about, only him as you can see in the chat with the "real" one.)












                http://gyazo.com/d0c1d48d116041177133b15ce9fe1321 (got a pm from "real" EasyGoldStop)






                http://gyazo.com/e94811176f17c96518acff87eb376b24 (confirms that i offered him 25m, sadly didnt take pictures of my rs screen)






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Hi sorry to hear about the trouble you seem to be having. I have notified the user he has 24 hours to respond. I notice that the Skype's do not match from the one he shows on his profile -




And the one that you are talking to over Skype -




However the time that you were discussing the gold sale over Skype and the time that  Pmed you are merely a minute apart which seems very odd to me. Am i correct in saying your 25M 07 was taken and no payment was given followed by the user removing you from Skype?


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I'm not sure what the user is getting at like I told him on skype I pmed him to confirm that I was going to buy 25m from him that he was selling, I sent him a PM saying I was taking to him on skype because at the time I was. Usually whenever I do a gold trade I PM the user and I tell them to respond VIA osbot. I also have all users comment on my thread and I quote there post. Im not sure why the user would confirm a trade from another skype which was clearly not me which is his own stupidity. Like I told him I did confirm that I was going to buy gold from him but I did not confirm that I was in game trading him or anything of that nature. The user did not give me any gold as as far as im concerned its his own scheme. 


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Not sure why he would be talking to me on my real skype and talking to an impostor as well, in that case why trade another skype when you clearly know my skype name is listed all over my osbot profile. That is just retarded. 

Also here is the full conversation I had with this user over skype, as you can see I did not tell him anything about logging into runescape, conducting a gold trade, no world, no RSN, nothing so what would give him the thought that he was trading with me when I did not initialize anything leaning toward it. 










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EasyGoldStop, as I told you before, i never texted you to PM me to confirm that it was you, the only person I texted to pm is the "scammer" who was using different Skype id and who also might be you. I will be able to supply the pictures of our chat history with the "real" EasyGoldStop to prove that I have never asked HIM for prove

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Notice in the 3rd screen shot how the times drastically change meaning the user was talking to an impostor that whole time before continuing to talk to me why? Why would he wait 4 hours to talk to me and ask me where his money was if he did not know intentionally that he was not trading me. 

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And also I thought it was your Skype when he pmed me but it was not, he changed the Skype name to exactly yours, whilst I had chats ended with you. Yes, I agree I'm stupid for not checking the skype ID but explain to me how or when I asked you to confirm if it was you that I'm trading. Anyways I'm going to sleep.

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Uqte0NP.png   my PM time

His skype pm time: http://gyazo.com/d0c1d48d116041177133b15ce9fe1321


Stop trying to frame me kid and GTFO of here with this bullshit.


Also show on screen shots where you asked the imposter to PM you. 

The question remains if you have my real skype why would you even discuss anything with another skype knowing it is not me. 

Edited by EasyGoldStop
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Because the "scammer" changed his name back to the other without me noticing it and since it was conversation and not 1to1 chat it did not show me the other name because i didn't talk to him 1on1, so because I haven't checked the "scammers" Skype ID I didn't know if it was you or someone else, but by the looks of it, seems like it was because u answered to my requested PM meaning it was you or your osbot account was being used by someone else

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Because the "scammer" changed his name back to the other without me noticing it and since it was conversation and not 1to1 chat it did not show me the other name because i didn't talk to him 1on1, so because I haven't checked the "scammers" Skype ID I didn't know if it was you or someone else, but by the looks of it, seems like it was because u answered to my requested PM meaning it was you or your osbot account was being used by someone else


So you go to my profile you look at my skype name, yet you still talk with a skype name that does not match my skype name even though a day before you had me added that is retarded man just pure retarded, look guy I don't know what you are trying to get out of this maybe a free 25m or something but its not gonna work hopefully you get banned for your little scheme your trying to pull.

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Loool doesn't osbot work on different time zones meaning it would show what time u got the pm and also the pictures are there to show that I asked the "scammer" for pm on osbot and also as I have stated many many times before I didn't know it as you because the user had the same name and he changed it after the trade.

Also there is no need for the insults because it's quite obvious you're involved in this in someway

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Loool doesn't osbot work on different time zones meaning it would show what time u got the pm and also the pictures are there to show that I asked the "scammer" for pm on osbot and also as I have stated many many times before I didn't know it as you because the user had the same name and he changed it after the trade.

Also there is no need for the insults because it's quite obvious you're involved in this in someway


Well considering you have my correct skype and failed to do business with it is you fault I have no part in anything having to do with an impostor or anything in that matter hopefully this will be sorted soon and sorry for your loss man but you should be more careful as to what your doing. 

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Ok let's stop with the arguing on the dispute please, we want to meet a resolution here. From what i can see you added Easy yesterday and added the impostor today, the times after reviewing the Skype logs from Easy do not seem to add up, why you would negotiate with Easy then what seems to be the Imposter and then go back asking Easy on his Skype why you hadn't received payment? I am finding it hard to understand. Easy has his Skype all over his profile and i am finding it very difficult to see why you would then decide to trade the 'Imposter', who could quite easily of stolen Easy's picture and name title from his skype and copied. 

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@@Tracme, you got clearly scammed by an imposter.

@, I placed you back to Lifetimesponsor.


Please take care next time by dealing over skype.

Simply click on the user's skype profile, and double check back over the forum.

The safest way is to double confirm by senden a screenshot of the skype conversation via PM.



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