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Fruity NMZ


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An update has been pushed.


If anyone reads this let me say:


This is a massive update to what is currently on the SDN, with any big update there is going to be some bugs i have not come acorss that you may find. Please tell me any bugs you find and how it has happened and i will try to fix asap! Please bare with me if there is bugs found.


Thanks to everyone who was patient with me with the update. Everything inside the dream should work the same if not better than it did before this update. Outside the dreams will be most effected (ofc).


Merry Christmas! :xdoge: :xdoge: :xdoge: :xdoge: :xdoge:


Kind regards,


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An update has been pushed.


If anyone reads this let me say:


This is a massive update to what is currently on the SDN, with any big update there is going to be some bugs i have not come acorss that you may find. Please tell me any bugs you find and how it has happened and i will try to fix asap! Please bare with me if there is bugs found.


Thanks to everyone who was patient with me with the update. Everything inside the dream should work the same if not better than it did before this update. Outside the dreams will be most effected (ofc).


Merry Christmas! 78ZISi3.png78ZISi3.png78ZISi3.png78ZISi3.png78ZISi3.png


Kind regards,


hey i use your script alot, can u addd me on skype, i have questions.

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hey nice release with re entering dreams.


First issue: When starting up, it doesn't withdraw overloads and only checks stock of it. Can't test anything further without passing that interface.


Second issue: When inside dream and just doing the standard old method, it says the following, https://gyazo.com/c77b832a3db2f66c81ffdf5dcd6ad771 but it still works.


Great release and willing to test out for u as well.

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Omg, script is really fucked up...why u changed in-dream mechanics, they were nice and stable!




Did about 15 nmz runs (18k each) and:

A) Does not drink overload unless I manually click on inventory tab

B) Prayer flicking works only the first minute

C) If u dont click on re-enter dream it shows a red screen that you are not in dream and tries to log out.

D) Only drink absortions on the first run (when u just entered the dream) and then i died multiple times because bot wont drink them.

E) Traded to a host and got stuck because instead of 18000gp it traded 1gp.

F) No overload, prayer, runtime timers.

Edited by lord ragnark
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i used this quite a bit and just used it again. the new system of setting up seems nice but is pretty confusing and i like the old paint a bit better. just my feedback tho. 


Its a lil overwhelming at first but it needs to have all the options for you to choose them, just take a min or 2 to read them and it isnt that bad xd




hey nice release with re entering dreams.


First issue: When starting up, it doesn't withdraw overloads and only checks stock of it. Can't test anything further without passing that interface.


Second issue: When inside dream and just doing the standard old method, it says the following, https://gyazo.com/c77b832a3db2f66c81ffdf5dcd6ad771 but it still works.


Great release and willing to test out for u as well.


Red screen can be toggled by pressing the paint area (not ideal but a lil something while i get it sorted.)


Omg, script is really fucked up...why u changed in-dream mechanics, they were nice and stable!




Did about 15 nmz runs (18k each) and:

A) Does not drink overload unless I manually click on inventory tab

cool.png Prayer flicking works only the first minute

C) If u dont click on re-enter dream it shows a red screen that you are not in dream and tries to log out.

D) Only drink absortions on the first run (when u just entered the dream) and then i died multiple times because bot wont drink them.

E) Traded to a host and got stuck because instead of 18000gp it traded 1gp.

F) No overload, prayer, runtime timers.


About the not opening Inventory tab, do you have your hotkeys changed? Try having them as default and see if that works! i think that is possibly the reason.


The timers can be re-added for next update, the error with getting stuck trading is an odd one will look into it! may i ask what host? Red screen i have fixed and should be alright for next time. Prayer flicking is a lil odd as i did most of the tested with absorption postions 'o.O.


When it isnt flicking prayer / drinking stuff, what does it say in the Top Left corner?


would like to use this script the old way as well, and when i try it i get a red screen saying im not in a dream and what not. so i guess ill wait till tomorrow to run it again until there are more answers to what to do here.


The red screen is a missing check, has been sorted and will be ok for next version :s sorry!


Old script NOW plz, now bot is stuck on "drinking absortions" and died.




Reading what yer saying. Sorted the red screen problem. Atm its an issue, should still work but ofc its an eye sore, clicking in the paint area will close the paint including red screen, just try to open it to see every now and then (not good im aware). absorption problem im not aware off - do you have absorptions in inventory, do you have inventory open, is there anything on that might stop it?


Apologies for the problems guna try sort them out now!

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i can't get the script to trade anyone, and inside the arena it says not in dream trieng to logout.

when is the next update coming?




if you got the overload option enabled and u got ovl pots in ur inventory.. It will first store them and then retake them.. But what i see now is that it only uses the option ''check'' on the overload barrel. After this it just keep repeating. Also trading doesn't work. The persons name is correctly typed and the amount of cash aswell, the ''bot'' just sits there.. 


Inside dream (when i just payed by myself) The bot doesn't drink any prayer potions nor overloads. The player dies and logs out..

Even if i start the script inside the dream the bot gives a red screen player not in dream.



i really hope you can push the next update asap/

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i can't get the script to trade anyone, and inside the arena it says not in dream trieng to logout.

when is the next update coming?




if you got the overload option enabled and u got ovl pots in ur inventory.. It will first store them and then retake them.. But what i see now is that it only uses the option ''check'' on the overload barrel. After this it just keep repeating. Also trading doesn't work. The persons name is correctly typed and the amount of cash aswell, the ''bot'' just sits there.. 


Inside dream (when i just payed by myself) The bot doesn't drink any prayer potions nor overloads. The player dies and logs out..

Even if i start the script inside the dream the bot gives a red screen player not in dream.



i really hope you can push the next update asap/


If re-enter + pay host isnt ticked it will not trade, both have to be ticked. Can you give me a print screen of your otpions? got teamviewer so i can see?


The storing all potions is because you have a potion such as overload, absorption, super range, super magic (depending on what you have selected) and it isnt a (4) dose. Therefor the script will deposit all and withdraw from fresh.


Currently testing the script myself  and i am not getting an issue with prayer flicking after the first dream, also not getting an issue with drinking absorptions if inventory isnt open, not having a problem with checking potions, depositing potions, withdrawing potions, buying potions, banking, etc... need more information to be able to fix it.


On my 4th re-entry without a problem. 


Can the people who are getting errors please screenshot their settings and maybe even make a recording? would help massively

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If re-enter + pay host isnt ticked it will not trade, both have to be ticked. Can you give me a print screen of your otpions? got teamviewer so i can see?


The storing all potions is because you have a potion such as overload, absorption, super range, super magic (depending on what you have selected) and it isnt a (4) dose. Therefor the script will deposit all and withdraw from fresh.


Currently testing the script myself  and i am not getting an issue with prayer flicking after the first dream, also not getting an issue with drinking absorptions if inventory isnt open, not having a problem with checking potions, depositing potions, withdrawing potions, buying potions, banking, etc... need more information to be able to fix it.


On my 4th re-entry without a problem. 


Can the people who are getting errors please screenshot their settings and maybe even make a recording? would help massively


Thanks for all the hard work bud! I was really pissed off last night because the bot wouldnt work but in the long run you are doing some great job! So sorry.


What setup are you using? O screenshot of the gui option would be awesome.



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Thanks for all the hard work bud! I was really pissed off last night because the bot wouldnt work but in the long run you are doing some great job! So sorry.


What setup are you using? O screenshot of the gui option would be awesome.


Its no problem, i was prepared for a surge of posts haha.


Running 7th run atm no problems, Inventory is only a test invent with 1 over load 1 absorption, run lasts 15mins but gives time to make sure its working, if you want i can login yer account make a setup and send it you.


You paying for a host? i use "Demon 4 NMZ" and had no problems past week, 


My standard options would be:

17 Absorption

8 Overload

Special weapon(gmaul 99% of the time)

Rock cake,



Options ticked:

Reccurent, Surge, Zapper

Bite Cake,

Position - Center.


Enter Options:

Re-enter ticked,

Pay Hosts ticked,

host table only has "Demon 4 NMZ" currently.

Dream - Hard

Trading doesn't work.

Still won't drink potions ingame..



Will test host now see if it giving me any problems. 


Potions ingame im not sure about 'o.O They are selected so the task should be added.


Do you have teamviewer?

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I did only the mtd quests so i can self host and not deal with the trading aspect of the bot, finally finished botting to the stats needed to bot nmz lol, about to buy the script and see how it works for me, will post any errors.


I will giver a trial if you wish

As a big update released early today its fairly experimental but self hosting worked fine for me :)

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