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Fruity NMZ


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12 hours ago, Galaga said:

Bot jumps to 33 hp while i have rock cake and overloads in the nmz. Is it a glitch or am i doing somethingwrong?


this have been happening to me from the first moment i started to use this script..like month ago..

@Fruity do you ever replay to this thread? or you only replay to your Zulrah?

And this time bot was logging back for hours..you can see everything in photo. inv setup was ready to go back to dream. dream was not boght. not sure why would it want to go to bank.




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On 5/9/2017 at 10:48 PM, massgainer said:

i've been having this problem a lot lately also

i've messed around with the settings on my account and can't seem to repeat the same issue you and a few others seem to be having, I wonder if maybe he's just not able to re-create the issue either. The couple issue's i have had with this script are the fact that the special attack doesnt trigger quickly enough to actually increase xp/hr, and if you let it start the dream itself, it will die while guzzling the rock cake rather than drinking an abortion before to prevent that death. Seems he might be busy keeping up with the zulrah script though. Seeing as that one is a monthly billing, he probably has more incentive to keep that one up to date and functional. :/ 

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 https://gyazo.com/be7bbbf0dcf9ffa96c981fe2d224a80c - this one, logged in back manualy, and it works.

Or not rock caking to 1hp. sometimes. 1/3 bots will do this every night - https://gyazo.com/3081d79fdbb341bc0283a3b5472c20ef

pretty much same bugs every single night for month now. replay from you - never happened.

i remember i asked you on chat for this shit - i think you said "already fixed, should be updated anytime"

And i get random bugs like these EVERY SINGLE NIGHT

Not even using breaks..cuz that shit fuk up script even more with random crashed / logouts / not be able log back in / etc etc.

After getting almost 100m xp with this script. I can say - not worth it. (if you run 1 account and just want to go for few mil xp, suure, it's best script with no limits for life time, but if you got for bigger farms with some dates ad what day / in what period of time you want to finish projects...forget it)


Edited by guywithlsd
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