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Fruity NMZ


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9 hours ago, falconpunchjr said:

Is it possible to get a trial or should I just buy now?

No trials currently, sorry


17 hours ago, Tom said:

Is it possible to only reset to 1 HP with rock cake every 5 mins after overload? Makes it more 'AFK' at the cost of some absorption.

Any plans for Piety flick? Or possibly the option to only use Prayers while above a certain level, so that I can use Piety until I've got like 2 points left, then save rest for rapid heal flicks?

A lot you can do with this

There is lots i can do and i appreciate the feedback/suggestions. Ive done most part of your previous suggestion i just need to get my laptop to do the GUI (JFormDesigner is love) as i don't have <- that on my work mac or desktop. will let you know when i have it added.

Prayer flicking is something i do want to add, namely the quick prayer flicking as this is what i see most people using when legit.

for rock cakes, i plan on adding a lil spinner or two with 'maximum hp' and 'deviation' for the randomness people love to see, isnt the 5mins thing you asked for exactly but you could calc what hp you would be after 5mins and set that as the maximum.

I will make a bug/suggestion spreadsheet like i have with zulrah dev to keep track/share

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One thing iv noticed recently. 

I have it set to do 1 dream and to end dream by idling.  When the dream ends it right clicks the overload barrel to withdraw more overloads then where you type how many you want to take out of the barrel then it  just sits there till it logs out.

I think it should just not do anything after the dream ends as when i do 4 seperate dreams a day and it always goes to the barrel after it looks suspicious.


And btw thanks for the constant updates for this script and looking into bugs, much more than other scripts iv bought for osbot :)

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9 minutes ago, shaba123 said:

One thing iv noticed recently. 

I have it set to do 1 dream and to end dream by idling.  When the dream ends it right clicks the overload barrel to withdraw more overloads then where you type how many you want to take out of the barrel then it  just sits there till it logs out.

I think it should just not do anything after the dream ends as when i do 4 seperate dreams a day and it always goes to the barrel after it looks suspicious.


And btw thanks for the constant updates for this script and looking into bugs, much more than other scripts iv bought for osbot :)

Thank you for the report, added to my list. Chances are i have put the stop check above the barrel thing by mistake and be a quick fix! (fingers crossed)

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1 minute ago, fakename123 said:

Is mirrored mode required to run this, or is it just recommended. Does it make a big difference compared to just stealth injection? 
Can't figure out how to become VIP on this site....

Mirror mode isnt something i use myself so cant give much adivce, maybe another user active on the thread can help.

Myself and a number of others do just fine with stealth.

VIP can be purchased through the store with PayPal



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2 hours ago, falconpunchjr said:

Script works great! Mine will randomly not use the Powerup for special attacks sometimes, is that part of the antiban?

This is something i have noticed whilst trying to trigger a different power surge bug. Will be looking into this 

2 hours ago, dieg0 said:

Love the script as always.

id like ranging potion support.

Thank you! Also, thank you for the feedback/suggestion, will add to my list

5 hours ago, Teetees said:

@FruityDoes this loot range ammo?

Not currently, no. Sorry. Will add to my list


Pushed a number of updates:

2.57 Tom Suggestion Prioritise turning off 'Surge Only' prayers before walking back to the preferred position and other adjustments
2.58 Tom Suggestion When using 'Surge Only' prayers, dont enable them if low on prayer and we require the prayer to flick, also make sure they are disabled before prayer runs out
2.59 Shaba123 Bug Absorption points maximum is set to 900 rather than 1000
2.6 Tom Suggestion Add options to let HP regen for longer, example: 5minutes after you overload
2.61 Faust Bug When using super magic potions, the script will withdraw from barrel then deposit into the bank
2.62 LayDay Bug When activating Zapper and having a corner selected for position, script will activate zapper but then run away from it making it pointless


Look out for 2.62 

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