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Fruity NMZ


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[iNFO][bot #1][03/20 07:31:05 PM]: Started random solver : BreakManager
[iNFO][bot #1][03/20 07:58:27 PM]: Random solver exited : BreakManager
[iNFO][bot #1][03/20 07:58:30 PM]: Started random solver : Auto Login
[iNFO][bot #1][03/20 07:58:36 PM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
[iNFO][bot #1][03/20 07:58:41 PM]: Terminating script Fruity NMZ...
[iNFO][bot #1][03/20 07:58:41 PM]: Script Fruity NMZ has exited!
[iNFO][bot #1][03/20 07:58:41 PM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen
[iNFO][bot #1][03/20 07:58:41 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
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Aye so defo a problem with breaks, would have to look into it more for ya

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I have not had any issues after throwing my multiple copies of prayer books away. Only once i started the script just to see it shutdown itself for no reason today but after 2nd attempt running all flawless and been using for hours today. I train melee but so far i have been satisfied although i don't know why you quoted my earlier post without any message to it. 


But yeh i haven't had more then 1 issue after throwing my placeholder book away and it was solved with re running script so if someone thinks buying this sht i vouch for it for the time being. Taken from me its not much but if you plan to train melee and have enough braincells to set up the qui (squirrel could do it, so you can too) All i can say its working well.


(using the mirror mode)

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will you let me know when this script is stable please, i was really unimpressed with the 24 hour free trial, it was really buggy but i am interested in purchasing this script when its all been sorted.




Will do, sorting bugs out as we speak. got the problem sorted with rock cake trying to bite when u have absorptions active (thought it was pushed with last update but wasn't, apologies). going to throw some spare accounts on the script to see if i can find bugs in my setups/change them up a little so i can see what other options would do


Hello Fruity! Is it possible to get an trial to test it out? Thanks


Will add


I have not had any issues after throwing my multiple copies of prayer books away. Only once i started the script just to see it shutdown itself for no reason today but after 2nd attempt running all flawless and been using for hours today. I train melee but so far i have been satisfied although i don't know why you quoted my earlier post without any message to it. 


But yeh i haven't had more then 1 issue after throwing my placeholder book away and it was solved with re running script so if someone thinks buying this sht i vouch for it for the time being. Taken from me its not much but if you plan to train melee and have enough braincells to set up the qui (squirrel could do it, so you can too) All i can say its working well.


(using the mirror mode)


Sorry! i must have missed the quote as i was going down. I'm try find the original post and see if i can come up with a solution, apologies. 

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was the +1 a mistake or a hp level? will look into the rock cake issue in a moment :s





I used blowpipe this weekend for 80-90 range tongue.png didn't see any problems but a lot was while i slept so i could be wrong lel boge.png


Very nice biggrin.png



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Hey Fruity.

You gave me few hours ago the trial for your script but 1st thing i noticed that the script bugged out or its known glitch like someone wrote above.

Everything was fine until i leveled in HP. The HP was kept on 2 then and mouse was hovering over rock cake. When overload wore off it didnt re-do overload nor flick rapid heal. Instead it did -10 HP with rock cake so there was no possible way to actually overload so i had to restart the script.


EDIT: Also i have an question. Im using absorption potion method and what if the absorption potions run out in the barrel? Does the script auto-buy the 255 doses and continue?


Edited by nerd187
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Hey Fruity.

You gave me few hours ago the trial for your script but 1st thing i noticed that the script bugged out or its known glitch like someone wrote above.

Everything was fine until i leveled in HP. The HP was kept on 2 then and mouse was hovering over rock cake. When overload wore off it didnt re-do overload nor flick rapid heal. Instead it did -10 HP with rock cake so there was no possible way to actually overload so i had to restart the script.


EDIT: Also i have an question. Im using absorption potion method and what if the absorption potions run out in the barrel? Does the script auto-buy the 255 doses and continue?



It buys the required amount (mostly so that I'm not spending all peoples points if you are trying to save up for something). also the rock cake issue i have fixed and will be updated when the next SDN update is biggrin.png


Fixed issues with wanting to bite cant when it cant and also made it flick prayer outside the dream so that you don't get the unwanted hp while entering

Edited by Fruity
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Can i see what settings you have put, please?


Is it the break handler? or do you mean breaked as in it broke?


Settings: https://gyazo.com/e6836de6be31e0cebcbd12d44942ca8d

still just stuck at "updating sig":https://gyazo.com/16a6e8b7ae181cd74d8b3216eeba4db1


Played aroudn a bit, seemed to have gotten it working, my bad!

Edited by Nade
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Hey i found a problem


It recharges blowpipe fine, but then banks it.. and doesn't take it back out


Could you fix that? Would appreciate


Very odd, equipping it should become before the banking tasks :s been working fine for me to 90 range, will take a look in a moment for ya

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Very odd, equipping it should become before the banking tasks :s been working fine for me to 90 range, will take a look in a moment for ya

Thanks, yes it banks* it along with darts and scales. Would be sick if it worked so I can leave it on when im at work

Rest is working fine btw, good script :)

Edited by coen95
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HOLY shiet my pure got 10+ def levels somehow (attack style changed probably during power surge or something) gf 1 def max ags pure :D Thank god i was babysitting so i spotted the level up quite early and can still pretend to be a pure of some kind... If i would have been AFK i could now have 40-50 def or worse. All in all no problems but could there be option to toggle the attack style so if it gets ever changed the script would switch back to selected/style you start with??? 


When i got the def lvls all you pure owners can imagine the feeling... i did not have big enough palm to slap my face and stick a banana in my ass while running around singing sweet home alabama while getting shot with a paintball gun in a cloud of riot control tear gas...  Thats pretty close description of the feeling. 


Ofcourse immediately, like every wise player, i started balancing with the option wether or not to yolo my bank in duel arena or go allahu akbar suicide bank pking but i decided to suck it up and enjoy my new pure that can now wear slay helm and is few cb lvl higher then i hoped... Still the feeling is bit empty. Karma is a bitch!

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HOLY shiet my pure got 10+ def levels somehow (attack style changed probably during power surge or something) gf 1 def max ags pure biggrin.png Thank god i was babysitting so i spotted the level up quite early and can still pretend to be a pure of some kind... If i would have been AFK i could now have 40-50 def or worse. All in all no problems but could there be option to toggle the attack style so if it gets ever changed the script would switch back to selected/style you start with??? 


When i got the def lvls all you pure owners can imagine the feeling... i did not have big enough palm to slap my face and stick a banana in my ass while running around singing sweet home alabama while getting shot with a paintball gun in a cloud of riot control tear gas...  Thats pretty close description of the feeling. 


Ofcourse immediately, like every wise player, i started balancing with the option wether or not to yolo my bank in duel arena or go allahu akbar suicide bank pking but i decided to suck it up and enjoy my new pure that can now wear slay helm and is few cb lvl higher then i hoped... Still the feeling is bit empty. Karma is a bitch!


OMG! i can only apologies, i really don't know why it would click so far away from the special attack bar? i have checks to make sure the mouse is on top of the special attack bar before it does any clicking :/ what weapons was you using? (main/off/special). i have just changed the script for moving the mouse in hopes it will help D:

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