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Fruity NMZ


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can someone tell me what settings to turn on for pures, absorption + overloads? also realized it drinks the absorption potion at half hp instead of 1 hp. am i doing something wrong?


Will drink the absorptions at 51 then drink the overload (while flicking prayer if selected). have absorptions, overloads, flick rapid heal and bite rock cake settings enabled.


doesnt use my dds in the inventory and everytime i run the bot with the dds it tries to go bank the dagger before entering the dream. any idea whats causing this? much love


hmms is it a dagger p++ or a diff one? ill have to try it and see if i get the same problem


fruity come on skype got something ask you bro tongue.png


Will come on after work, sorry about delays haha


Is hosting games a feature of this script?


It is but some people are reporting issues, i can give a trial if you wish.


Apart from the fact it has never auto hosted for me so I have to reset my game each time it ends, I have successfully achieved 84-99 str here in 2 weeks smile.png


Hope I don't banned huehuehuehue


Gz on 99! sorry to hear the auto hosting didnt work :( was it self host or paying hosts?

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some reason i cant get rock cake option to work. trys to bank the rock cake everytime.


Rock cake selected and all that jazz? if not try selecting absorptions aswell but having the amount on 0 in the spinner.


Sorry to ask this but there wasn't a step by step on how to start;


Im just wondering, if you don't have the required quest or you have too much quest done, does it support paying someone to host for you, or do you have to pay the hoster manually and once inside, start script?


Aye on the GUI (main thread) it has options to add hosts to pay and all that jazz


How's the banrates on this?

How do you recommend using the scripts to minimise banrates?



hello, im just hitting 70/70/70 on my account. 

Id love a 24hr trial. 

if not ill just purchase it 


Trial added smile.png


hey fruity i just bought your script without trying a trial  but my question is: What setup do i need for a ranged pure? im 82 ranged 44 pray, what knives do I use and what options do i select ?


much love QwPha8E.png no homo 


82 ranged would be good with a blowpipe (if you have the money) else i would use rune(or arma) crossbow with steel or mith bolts


Hey is there any chance I could trial this script for an hour or two before purchase?


Trial added smile.png

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Hi, the trial worked perfectly except for restarting games (wouldnt trade and when I manually traded kept putting 1 gp and taking out). Now I bought the real version, i put it on and leave it, and whenever I come back it is always out of the dream prematureley with very few supplies being used.

Any Idea what im doing wrong?

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You quoted me but didn't even reply lol


I did mean too haha just missed it, Not sure on ban rates. i know a few people to have been banned but i dont hear it that often


Hi, the trial worked perfectly except for restarting games (wouldnt trade and when I manually traded kept putting 1 gp and taking out). Now I bought the real version, i put it on and leave it, and whenever I come back it is always out of the dream prematureley with very few supplies being used.

Any Idea what im doing wrong?


May i see settings? anything in the log when it stops?


Hey man, I'm looking to purchase this. Could you please provide me a 24h trial so I could test out script so it does what I need? Thanks bro


Trial added.

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