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Get and check id of an object?


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I'm not sure you understand the question.


Are you asking how to check the ID of an object ? if so go into settings and open the 'Entity Debugger'. Then hover over the entity in question and it will tell you the id.




Did you mean how do you get the id of an entity dynamically in the code?

Entity e = objects.closest("name");
int id = e.getId();


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There are multiple ways of finding objects


One is using an id:

RS2Object myObject = getObjects().closest(2565);

Another way would be using the object name:

RS2Object myObject = getObjects().closest("Bank booth");

and if you want to match on a specific variable of an object you could use filters:

Filter<RS2Object> modelIdFilter = new Filter<RS2Object>() {
   public boolean match(RS2Object n) {
      return (n.getModel() == 1234);

RS2Object myObject = self.getObjects().closest(modelIdFilter);

after that you can use myObject.getId() to get the ID value of that object


Edit: Just realized when this post was made :(

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