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Perfect Woodcutter


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hmh, interesting, i used it 1->85 with no problems, 8-15 hours a day biggrin.png did u wc in f2p?


Nope, used it on p2p. Went from 1-55 over the course of the afternoon / evening. Tried to log in today and already banned...


Didn't get stuck or anything either, was babysitting it. Even talked to a guy or two and hung out in the GE for a lil. Really surprised / disappointed.


Did you go 1-85 on a fresh account?

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Nope, used it on p2p. Went from 1-55 over the course of the afternoon / evening. Tried to log in today and already banned...


Didn't get stuck or anything either, was babysitting it. Even talked to a guy or two and hung out in the GE for a lil. Really surprised / disappointed.


Did you go 1-85 on a fresh account?

Mine wasnt fresh acc, maybe that :b

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Made a new rs account to test this after purchase yesterday. Botted for a few hours with the anti-pattern enabled and a few short breaks. I was banned overnight. So much for a "perfect" woodcutter; didn't even last a day. Waste of money.


edit; no, I did not bot on an IP that I had previously been banned under.


Not sure how you got banned so fast lol. I've been using this script for months and been only banned on 2 suicide accounts lol. Where and what were you cutting and for how long?

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No need to bump a negative post like that, the user didn't bot responsibly and he paid the price! :D The best bot in the world can't save you if you bot irresponsibly


There is even a 100 hour progress report on the main thread, as long as you bot responsibly, you will see very good results. Just make sure to use breaks if you wanna go far with botting


If you make a fresh level 3 and just go woodcut 24/7 without breaks, guess what???

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currently fiending this bot 1-79 wc in 3 days im surprised not banned yet just want to see how much I can fiend it before getting banned but so far works very well does sometimes glitch though and open bank then close it and repeat that is only glitch I have found yet so far oh and the rangeing guild magics when goes to banks goes upstairs sometimes and messes up

Edited by ownu1hit99
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my account also got banned botted overnight, like 8 hours with 4hours botting and a break of 2 hours and than something more like 2 hours. want to login like 15 hours later and it is banned... did bot with some other scripts on it. account is 4days old i guess and did 1 quest did get to 59 woodcutting. no idea if this script made the account ban just telling the information, because is saw above someone who also got perm banned like me xD. also had the anti pattern on. i also didnt use a vpn and my lil brother did get banned like 1 or 2weeks ago. Using proxy's right now when im botting on other account and see how far i can get :) the other account is created the same day and has been botted for more hours and didnt get banned xD looked like jagex did a banwave or something

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Yo, so been using the  Prefect Woodcut for a a couple days now, amazing. The only thing I've noticed is when I'm cutting Magic trees and when the bot goes to bank in the Seers village, it clicks on the ladder and will get stuck up in the empty room for hours and won't climb down, just some information maybe we can have fixed or something. All my accounts have made it to 85wc So idk is up with yours getting bannedtongue.png

Edited by tears4mysins
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Just added a anti-fail system for seers village bank, should appear in version 0.05 of the bot, please allow a few hours for the update to be registered ^^ :D


antiban quote:

As for bans, you gotta bot responsibly man, everybody knows the worst time to bot is on the weekdays, especially if there's a livestream or if there's an rs update where the jmods are just waiting to ban users.


If you want to nail every point on the antiban, it's best to bot slowly over a long period of time. That is a proven way to not be banned, e.g. my new main acc - i'm botting a very high banrate place now for almost 3 weeks, just botting 3-5 hours at night (uk hours), and 5-10 hours in the weekends. No bans whatsoever. However if I bot carelessly and not use breaks, not reply to ingame chat etc etc, I will just expect a ban and dump all my gold earned to a mule or something :/ 


If you want to bot more, (albeit in a safe manner) then add some legit stuff inbetween botting sessions, e.g. go splashing, go sell items on ge, finish a quest.. etc.

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