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Perfect Woodcutter


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Update has been posted, added some pathfinding changes and applied the new GUI setup to the other two options.


As for bot being stuck, did you select randomized breaks? That usually makes the bot just freeze for some reason, the only known solution is to increase the break time, this is happening to all scripters and bots on this site atm sad.png Happens randomly too, sometimes you will never get stuck at all. With normal breaks/no breaks it runs like a charm though.


I will go and test willows at draynor and rimmington yews just in case it is not related to breaks, but I must say the deposit box system is the same for mining script and I've banked a good 20k iron ore there (rimmington iron ore -> port sarim deposit box) but I don't use breaks perhaps that's why


After this update, duel arena pathfinding will finally be normal again.


The new update is version 0.05 of the script, please allow a few hours for this update to be registered biggrin.png

ah you're right, I am using randomized breaks and it's not working, didn't know it would effect any script! i'll disable it and try again! thanks

maybe I'll stop breaks in general, is it bad to bot for like 6 hours straight a day?

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I don't know man, I've been botting so much this past week without breaks on my mining accounts without bans, but they are level 3 so I am expecting a ban in the future :p


So I would just suggest toning it down because a ban wave may be coming in the coming weeks. The weekend will be fine for botting though :D Take natural breaks (log out manually) and just bot whenever you feel is a good time to bot, that's what I'm doing on my main account and so far so good :D

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Starting from the next update, I will be finally introducing highscores for all czar/perfect scripts, here is a preview




Once the system is ready, it will show the total time, logs, exp etc. along with a rank, and I will be doing prizes so every month a big prize will be given out for longest time ran biggrin.pngbiggrin.png


edit: I have activated all trials, good luck ;)

Edited by Czar
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Got my WC to almost 70 on the trial, bought the script now biggrin.png TY man! keep up the work. I've seen people asking that if u have bought 2 of ur scripts, u get third free? As i have bought rangeguild and now this WC. If thats the case, i would like the experiements script smile.png


This is prob the best WC script I have ever used. I've bought like prob 4 of the other scripts I think, worth every cent c: I don't think that they're doing the buy 2 get 1 free deal at the moment, but they did say that we'll be getting a better deal later in the future i believe. Don't quoterino me on this though :o

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