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Dispute Against Aggre


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Just giving everyone a heads up in case he may scam you.

Disputed member:

Aggre (http://osbot.org/forum/user/101442-aggre/?tab=topics)


Thread Link:

His thread is removed



I brought a account for 8m and i logged onto it for 5 minutes and it got banned and he refuses to refund. I used a brand new Ip from which i brought from Proxy Blaze and i never botted on it. I think he may of may alot of account on the same ip and that account went down with them or he botted the stats on it but he said they were legit....





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We don't hard delete any threads and I can't find a hidden thread of him trying to sell an account recently?

Also, can you please include pictures of your conversation with him and evidence of it actually being him? With the evidence currently provided there's no way to determine who you bought the account from.

Regardless of all of that, I've requested him to reply here and explain himself, but make sure to update your topic with the additional evidence I requested.

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For which ever mod reads this, this may help a bit with this dispute. 


If the account in question had gotten a delayed ban, it normally happens within seconds of logging on, you are disconnected and your account is disabled. This user stated he had logged in for 5 min. So he needs to make sure that it actually was around 5min, because delay bans happen within seconds of logging in. 


If he indeed was logged in for 5+ minutes, the user also said he was playing on a new IP from proxy blaze. I'm certain that proxy blaze's IPs are heavily, heavily flagged. I had once purchased 5 IP's from them. At the time I was botting one of my private methods. My accounts would normally last for a couple of weeks. I had botted an account on 1 of these IPs and was banned within a couple hours and at the time of the ban it was off-hours for Mod Weath and it was the first time I was banned while my bots were running. I never even bothered touching the rest of the IPs they sold me. 


Anyway, he said he didn't bot on this account and I've never heard of or experienced it myself seeing an account get banned for macroing simply by logging in on a potentially "flagged" IP unless you did indeed bot on the account while under that IP. Point is, he said he was on the account for 5 min and if it was a delayed banned from Aggre botting the account, to my knowledge it should have happened right when logging in, not 5 minutes down the line. 

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Yes I did sell him the account.


Few things I would like to note:


1: I've sold the similar account to Maldesto and he's fine I believe?

2: Multiple people CAN confirm I was leveling to 60/60/70 LEGIT in the cb.


I sold the account on march the 20th/21th.

BUT he clearly told me he was just buying it for his mate: http://prntscr.com/6oxy5p

He kept accusing me, whilst I explained him it was NOT possible to be banned as I did NOT bot on it, all legitly trained at the rock crabs after I did the waterfall quest.



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