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Khal Blast Furnace


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13 hours ago, Khaleesi said:

Even when it's 100%? it doesn't always turn it on on lower percentages

Yeah it was just at lower percentage, it seems to be working good now, just wastes a use of the potion when at 0%.

I did notice that when doing Mith bars it will open the bank chest -> immediately esc out of it -> re-open bank, and continue running. I didn't notice it doing that with Steel bars. I'm below 60 smithing so it might have something to do with paying the foreman, I ran into a bug where it was paying him over and over as well.

Edited by rigadoog
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11 hours ago, AboveLawz said:

Could i get a trial please?

Have fun! :D

15 hours ago, rigadoog said:

Yeah it was just at lower percentage, it seems to be working good now, just wastes a use of the potion when at 0%.

I did notice that when doing Mith bars it will open the bank chest -> immediately esc out of it -> re-open bank, and continue running. I didn't notice it doing that with Steel bars. I'm below 60 smithing so it might have something to do with paying the foreman, I ran into a bug where it was paying him over and over as well.

Does that happen every time?

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On 10/22/2021 at 11:30 PM, MunchoJackk said:

If you have 30 smithing, can the script still walk to blast furnace or yyou have to have 1 smithing for it to do all of that? 


Also can i get a trial :)

Yes it should walk to there :) also 1-30 smithing

On 10/26/2021 at 3:06 PM, doel00 said:

may i try to this script , khal blast furnance. thanks.


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