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What books are you reading now?


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Personally now that I have finished my last college courses two weeks ago, I finally have loads of time to catch up on leasuirely reading.


In particular I have always been very fond of the story Spice & Wolf and despite owning the light novels since November I actually have the time to read them now and finished volume 1 today =). There are 17 volumes (only 14 in english, with each new one translated to english every four months) in total each about 230 pages long 6 chapters each and if I do a chapter a day each morning before my internship I can read the remaining 12 I own by mid-late July =). It's going to be loads of fun and I am really excited to know how the story progresses (the Anime adaptation only covers volume 1,2,4 and 5 and skipped 3 because of too much action to animate on the low budget).


Kind of obsessed with the series it just is very personal to me and reminds me of a very close friend of mine =).


Enough about that though what series have you been reading lately and why do you like it so much?

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To those reading Animal Farm(good book by the way) have you read 1984 or plan to?

We were actually deciding between Brave New World and 1984 in my class @ school. Brave New World won, so I never got the chance to read 1984. Might have to do so in my free time. 


Also if you liked 1984, you might like Brave New World as it's also a dystopic novel.

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We were actually deciding between Brave New World and 1984 in my class @ school. Brave New World won, so I never got the chance to read 1984. Might have to do so in my free time. 


Also if you liked 1984, you might like Brave New World as it's also a dystopic novel.


I want to read Brave New World too, I was in the opposite boat back in 9th grade about 8 years ago *fuck I am old* we read 1984.


I thought Brave New World was a utopian novel though, all the more reason I should check it out for myself.


I also need to read Hamlet which I heard Lion King was heavily influenced by(which has tons of parallels to my life) so it'd be cool if something shakespeare wrote is also something that relates to my life =).

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I'm currently reading "Catch-22", "Effective java" and "Java killer game programming".

After "Catch-22" I plan on reading "Under the Dome", I've never actually read a Stephen King novel because I used to think of him as too much of a "pulp" author, but the plot of this particular one really intrigues me. It'd also like to read "Neuromancer" sometime soon.

Oh and "Live From New York, An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live" (another non-fiction one).


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I'm currently reading "Catch-22", "Effective java" and "Java killer game programming".

After "Catch-22" I plan on reading "Under the Dome", I've never actually read a Stephen King novel because I used to think of him as too much of a "pulp" author, but the plot of this particular one really intrigues me. It'd also like to read "Neuromancer" sometime soon.

Oh and "Live From New York, An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live" (another non-fiction one).

Those are some neat choices.


I wub Stephen King =), some other good stories of his are Misery,The Shining,Shawshank Redemption and Carrie. He has way more stories but those are good to start incase you like his work. He also has movie adaptations for them, although he even says the movie adaptation for the Shinning was not what hehad in mind(but given it was one of his first films before he became a big deal it's not like he had much bargaining power with Stanley Kubrick so it was either let him alter the story too much or don't get published).

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