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Khal Pest Control


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hi mate thanks for the trial its running good apart from when it equips dds to special the portal it specs it untill the last spec then just clicks between weapon interface and bag interface back and forth fast instead of using the last spec and changin to dscim! 

other than that its great thanks will be purchasing!



oh and it doesnt attack spinners all the time just keeps attacking portals

Edited by minimaterix
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Could I get a trial please? smile.png

Sure you got a few hours :)


hi mate thanks for the trial its running good apart from when it equips dds to special the portal it specs it untill the last spec then just clicks between weapon interface and bag interface back and forth fast instead of using the last spec and changin to dscim! 

other than that its great thanks will be purchasing!


strange, will check this :)

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that would be sweet , bc combat pots give str/attk/def 10% + 3. Same as the individual potions

Could do


Could be helpful to make spinners a priority instead of portals. A lot of people are recognizing bots when they are attacking the portals instead of spinners when there are a ton of spinners.


Working great as usual! Constantly running this for 6+ hour period without any problems.

I does this, if there is no brawler around

90% of time there is a brawler blocking the spinner, getting you character blocked and  spamm clicking the spinner without hitting it...

Which is even more pointless then attacking the portal.

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Thanks a bunch for the trial , seems to run very nice for the hour ive been using it. How does this script run on mirror client?


Only thing I noticed that can make the script better, is sometimes it doesn't notice the spinners and will attack the portal instead. This happens maybe 25% of the time. Most of the time it will notice the spinners and turns its focus on that.

Edited by Banstick
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