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Khal Pest Control


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As you were describing earlier, it began afking inside the lander once in a game. The other osbot pest control was having the same issue. I thought maybe this may be mirror-client induced? But what do I know.


a it's a mirror client issue, the npc's doesn't load proper. I can't really find a way around this issue.

I'll try fw thing today.



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Could you make it click the boat ladder faster so it could have bigger chance to get into the games faster smile.png

You are using the mirror client right? Since it clicks very fast at regular client.

Mirror client takes a while to get all objects loaded, so takes a while before it find the gangplank :s


Hey khaleesi, didn't read the above posts :/ just purchased this and i've got the same problem where it just afk's every game it enters. 

Ya, client issue :s 


It's mirror mode related. It'll afk for several games but get going again.


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You are using the mirror client right? Since it clicks very fast at regular client.

Mirror client takes a while to get all objects loaded, so takes a while before it find the gangplank :s


Ya, client issue :s 



Even if it is mirror mode related, is there no fix or workaround? A lot of other scripters have fixed their scripts to support mirror mode and the only bug in this script I found was the boat afk one. 

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