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A really really bad PC Script.


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  • 2 months later...

Hey all, this is my second post ever. Just trying to give back to the community.

I assumed that since the source was posted and it isn't being updated that I was allowed to get it working again, and to update it. However if this is not the case, please go easy on me.


I just got into scripting so it's still a bad script but I did add a little functionality, it will now:

- prioritize spinners over everything

- prioritize portals over everything but spinners

- break off of attacking something else to attack spinners


Download link:



(again let me know if link doesn't work, it's my first go at all this)



And here is the source: Happy botting!

import org.osbot.rs07.api.LocalWalker;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message.MessageType;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
		author = "54b3ew5vw *modified by Abhorrent*", 
		info = "PestControl", 
		name = "Simple PestControl Afker", 
		version = 0, 
		logo = "")

public class main extends Script {
	// Npc names
	String[] pestControlMonsters = {"Brawler","Defiler","Ravager","Shifter","Spinner","Torcher"};
	boolean areWeInBoat, didWeArrive, didWeFinish = false;
	boolean attackingSpinner = false;
	boolean attackingPortal = false;
	int okset = 0;
	String status = "Nothing";
	long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	long timeElapsed = 0;
	//int[] pestControlStarter = {1,2,3,4};
	//int[] pestControlMiddle = {10339,1630};
	//int[] pestControlBoat1 = {2260,2643,2263,2638};
	//int[] pestControlBoat2 = {2637,2647,2641,2642};
	//int[] pestControlBoat3 = {2632,2654,2635,2649};
    public void onStart() {
        log("= Starting pest control bot =");
    private enum State {
	private State getState() {
		NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters);
		RS2Object findCauldron = objects.closest("Cauldron");
		RS2Object findPlank = objects.closest("Gangplank");
		//RS2Object findPlank = objects.closest(9999).getX;
		if(areWeInBoat == true && findCauldron != null && findPlank != null){
			status = "Waiting";
			return State.WAITING;
		if(findCauldron == null && findPlank == null) {
			areWeInBoat = false;
			okset = objects.closest("Lander boat").getY() - myPlayer().getY();
			if(objects.closest("Lander boat").getY() - myPlayer().getY() < 10){
				status = "Moving";
				return State.MOVING;
		if (areWeInBoat == false && myPlayer().getY() < 3000 && findPlank != null){
			status = "Entering boat";
			return State.BOATING;
		if (findEnemy != null && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack() && myPlayer().getInteracting() == null){
			status = "Finding Target";
			return State.FINDINGTARGET;
		if (myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isUnderAttack() || myPlayer().isMoving() || myPlayer().getInteracting() != null){
			status = "Killing";
			return State.KILLING;
		status = "Moving";
		return State.MOVING;
    //public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    //	NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters);
    //	if (findEnemy != null){
    //		if (!myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack() && myPlayer().getInteracting() == null){
    //				findEnemy.interact("Attack");
    //				sleep(random(1000, 5000));
    //		}
    //	}
    //   return random(100, 1000);
	public void onMessage(Message message) {
		if (message.getType() == MessageType.GAME) {
			try {
				if (message.getMessage().contains("You board the lander") || message.getMessage().contains("can't reach that!")) {
					areWeInBoat = true;
				} else {
					// Do nothing
			} catch (Exception e) {
    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
		switch (getState()) {
		case WAITING:
			sleep(random(300, 750));
			//log ("Waiting");
		case BOATING:
			sleep(random(750, 1250));
			//log ("Entering boat");
		case MOVING:
			int newX = myPlayer().getX() + random(4, 8) - 4;
			int newY = myPlayer().getY() - random(5, 10) - 5;
			//Position baseObject = objects.closest(9999).getPosition();
			//Position towerLeft = new Position((baseObject.getX() - 14), (baseObject.getY() + 14), 0);
			//Position towerRight = new Position((baseObject.getX() + 11), (baseObject.getY() + 14), 0);
			//Position towerTopLeft = new Position((baseObject.getX() - 11), (baseObject.getY() + 29), 0);
			//Position towerTopRight = new Position((baseObject.getX() + 8), (baseObject.getY() + 29), 0);
			//Position[] newLocation = {new Position(newX, newY, 0)};
			if (map.canReach(new Position(newX, newY, 0)) && myPlayer().isMoving() == false){
				log("Location; " + newX +"," + newY + ",0");
				localWalker.walk(newX, newY);
				log("attempt click");
				sleep(random(1000, 1750));
			} else {
				sleep(random(100, 1000));
			NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters);
			NPC findPortal = npcs.closest("Portal");
			NPC findSpinner = npcs.closest("Spinner");
			NPC portal1 = npcs.closest(1747);
			NPC portal2 = npcs.closest(1748);
			NPC portal3 = npcs.closest(1749);
			NPC portal4 = npcs.closest(1750);
			if (findSpinner != null && findSpinner.isAttackable() && !attackingSpinner)
				attackingSpinner = true;
				attackingPortal = false;
			if (findPortal != null && findPortal.isAttackable() && !attackingPortal)
				if (portal1 != null || portal2 != null || portal3 != null || portal4 != null)
					sleep(random(300, 800));
					attackingSpinner = false;
					attackingPortal = true;
			if (findEnemy != null && findEnemy.isAttackable())
				sleep(random(300, 1350));
				attackingSpinner = false;
				attackingPortal = false;
			else {
				attackingSpinner = false;
				attackingPortal = false;
				sleep(random(350, 585));
			//log("Finding target");
		case KILLING:
			NPC spinnerCheck = npcs.closest("Spinner");
			portal1 = npcs.closest(1747);
			portal2 = npcs.closest(1748);
			portal3 = npcs.closest(1749);
			portal4 = npcs.closest(1750);
			if (spinnerCheck != null && !attackingSpinner && spinnerCheck.isAttackable())
				attackingSpinner = true;
				attackingPortal = false;
			NPC portalCheck = npcs.closest("Portal");
			if (portalCheck != null && portalCheck.isAttackable() && !attackingPortal && !attackingSpinner)
				if (portal1 != null || portal2 != null || portal3 != null || portal4 != null)
					sleep(random(565, 1200));
					attackingSpinner = false;
					attackingPortal = true;
			NPC enemyCheck = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters);
			if (enemyCheck != null && !attackingSpinner && enemyCheck.isAttackable() && !attackingPortal)
				attackingSpinner = false;
				attackingPortal = false;
		return random(200, 800);
    public void onExit() {
    public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
		long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		timeElapsed = currentTime - startTime;
		long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(timeElapsed);
		timeElapsed -= TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours);
		long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(timeElapsed);
		timeElapsed -= TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(minutes);
		long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(timeElapsed);
    	g.drawString("Status: " + status, 200, 328);
    	g.drawString("Run Time: " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds, 200, 300);


Also if i'm allowed to, I would like to add a few things:

- ability to handle brawlers being their obnoxious brawler selves

- some sort of paint   * I don't know how to do this yet * 

- maybe some sort of buying options?


I don't know how much free time I will have, just finishing up my last semester of college so lots of big projects, but we will see. If I have the time, and there is any sort of demand, then i'll give it my best newbie shot wink.png



- added run time

- added redundancy (should be more stable)

Edited by abhorrent
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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, this is my second post ever. Just trying to give back to the community.

I assumed that since the source was posted and it isn't being updated that I was allowed to get it working again, and to update it. However if this is not the case, please go easy on me.


I just got into scripting so it's still a bad script but I did add a little functionality, it will now:

- prioritize spinners over everything

- prioritize portals over everything but spinners

- break off of attacking something else to attack spinners


Download link:



(again let me know if link doesn't work, it's my first go at all this)



And here is the source: Happy botting!

import org.osbot.rs07.api.LocalWalker;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message.MessageType;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
		author = "54b3ew5vw *modified by Abhorrent*", 
		info = "PestControl", 
		name = "Simple PestControl Afker", 
		version = 0, 
		logo = "")

public class main extends Script {
	// Npc names
	String[] pestControlMonsters = {"Brawler","Defiler","Ravager","Shifter","Spinner","Torcher"};
	boolean areWeInBoat, didWeArrive, didWeFinish = false;
	boolean attackingSpinner = false;
	boolean attackingPortal = false;
	int okset = 0;
	String status = "Nothing";
	long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	long timeElapsed = 0;
	//int[] pestControlStarter = {1,2,3,4};
	//int[] pestControlMiddle = {10339,1630};
	//int[] pestControlBoat1 = {2260,2643,2263,2638};
	//int[] pestControlBoat2 = {2637,2647,2641,2642};
	//int[] pestControlBoat3 = {2632,2654,2635,2649};
    public void onStart() {
        log("= Starting pest control bot =");
    private enum State {
	private State getState() {
		NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters);
		RS2Object findCauldron = objects.closest("Cauldron");
		RS2Object findPlank = objects.closest("Gangplank");
		//RS2Object findPlank = objects.closest(9999).getX;
		if(areWeInBoat == true && findCauldron != null && findPlank != null){
			status = "Waiting";
			return State.WAITING;
		if(findCauldron == null && findPlank == null) {
			areWeInBoat = false;
			okset = objects.closest("Lander boat").getY() - myPlayer().getY();
			if(objects.closest("Lander boat").getY() - myPlayer().getY() < 10){
				status = "Moving";
				return State.MOVING;
		if (areWeInBoat == false && myPlayer().getY() < 3000 && findPlank != null){
			status = "Entering boat";
			return State.BOATING;
		if (findEnemy != null && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack() && myPlayer().getInteracting() == null){
			status = "Finding Target";
			return State.FINDINGTARGET;
		if (myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isUnderAttack() || myPlayer().isMoving() || myPlayer().getInteracting() != null){
			status = "Killing";
			return State.KILLING;
		status = "Moving";
		return State.MOVING;
    //public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    //	NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters);
    //	if (findEnemy != null){
    //		if (!myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack() && myPlayer().getInteracting() == null){
    //				findEnemy.interact("Attack");
    //				sleep(random(1000, 5000));
    //		}
    //	}
    //   return random(100, 1000);
	public void onMessage(Message message) {
		if (message.getType() == MessageType.GAME) {
			try {
				if (message.getMessage().contains("You board the lander") || message.getMessage().contains("can't reach that!")) {
					areWeInBoat = true;
				} else {
					// Do nothing
			} catch (Exception e) {
    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
		switch (getState()) {
		case WAITING:
			sleep(random(300, 750));
			//log ("Waiting");
		case BOATING:
			sleep(random(750, 1250));
			//log ("Entering boat");
		case MOVING:
			int newX = myPlayer().getX() + random(4, 8) - 4;
			int newY = myPlayer().getY() - random(5, 10) - 5;
			//Position baseObject = objects.closest(9999).getPosition();
			//Position towerLeft = new Position((baseObject.getX() - 14), (baseObject.getY() + 14), 0);
			//Position towerRight = new Position((baseObject.getX() + 11), (baseObject.getY() + 14), 0);
			//Position towerTopLeft = new Position((baseObject.getX() - 11), (baseObject.getY() + 29), 0);
			//Position towerTopRight = new Position((baseObject.getX() + 8), (baseObject.getY() + 29), 0);
			//Position[] newLocation = {new Position(newX, newY, 0)};
			if (map.canReach(new Position(newX, newY, 0)) && myPlayer().isMoving() == false){
				log("Location; " + newX +"," + newY + ",0");
				localWalker.walk(newX, newY);
				log("attempt click");
				sleep(random(1000, 1750));
			} else {
				sleep(random(100, 1000));
			NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters);
			NPC findPortal = npcs.closest("Portal");
			NPC findSpinner = npcs.closest("Spinner");
			NPC portal1 = npcs.closest(1747);
			NPC portal2 = npcs.closest(1748);
			NPC portal3 = npcs.closest(1749);
			NPC portal4 = npcs.closest(1750);
			if (findSpinner != null && findSpinner.isAttackable() && !attackingSpinner)
				attackingSpinner = true;
				attackingPortal = false;
			if (findPortal != null && findPortal.isAttackable() && !attackingPortal)
				if (portal1 != null || portal2 != null || portal3 != null || portal4 != null)
					sleep(random(300, 800));
					attackingSpinner = false;
					attackingPortal = true;
			if (findEnemy != null && findEnemy.isAttackable())
				sleep(random(300, 1350));
				attackingSpinner = false;
				attackingPortal = false;
			else {
				attackingSpinner = false;
				attackingPortal = false;
				sleep(random(350, 585));
			//log("Finding target");
		case KILLING:
			NPC spinnerCheck = npcs.closest("Spinner");
			portal1 = npcs.closest(1747);
			portal2 = npcs.closest(1748);
			portal3 = npcs.closest(1749);
			portal4 = npcs.closest(1750);
			if (spinnerCheck != null && !attackingSpinner && spinnerCheck.isAttackable())
				attackingSpinner = true;
				attackingPortal = false;
			NPC portalCheck = npcs.closest("Portal");
			if (portalCheck != null && portalCheck.isAttackable() && !attackingPortal && !attackingSpinner)
				if (portal1 != null || portal2 != null || portal3 != null || portal4 != null)
					sleep(random(565, 1200));
					attackingSpinner = false;
					attackingPortal = true;
			NPC enemyCheck = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters);
			if (enemyCheck != null && !attackingSpinner && enemyCheck.isAttackable() && !attackingPortal)
				attackingSpinner = false;
				attackingPortal = false;
		return random(200, 800);
    public void onExit() {
    public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
		long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		timeElapsed = currentTime - startTime;
		long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(timeElapsed);
		timeElapsed -= TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours);
		long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(timeElapsed);
		timeElapsed -= TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(minutes);
		long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(timeElapsed);
    	g.drawString("Status: " + status, 200, 328);
    	g.drawString("Run Time: " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds, 200, 300);


Also if i'm allowed to, I would like to add a few things:

- ability to handle brawlers being their obnoxious brawler selves

- some sort of paint   * I don't know how to do this yet * 

- maybe some sort of buying options?


I don't know how much free time I will have, just finishing up my last semester of college so lots of big projects, but we will see. If I have the time, and there is any sort of demand, then i'll give it my best newbie shot wink.png



- added run time

- added redundancy (should be more stable)





Bough void bottom and still had 70 pts left. Cheers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I accidentally copied over my screen shot but it ran for 7.5 hours while i slept and still kept going. It is a well running script but it is extremely Bot-like haha. I would only recommend using this on an account you don't care about and only after you have transferred all of your gp off of it just to be safe. I did have to run it 2 times when i first loaded it up it did one game and then got stuck outside of the boat the script said it was moving and it never entered the boat. Once i reloaded the script it ran flawlessly all night. Good job thanks for the script! 

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  • 2 months later...

Got 2 full voids with this, no ban. Thank you so much.


Edit: It worked flawlessly on the first account, which was about 3 months ago. The second one, which I did 2 days ago, would get stuck outside of the boat every 6-7 games, but I used the break manager to get it to restart every 20 mins and that worked well. 

Edited by sanane
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  • 1 month later...

Got 2 full voids with this, no ban. Thank you so much.


Edit: It worked flawlessly on the first account, which was about 3 months ago. The second one, which I did 2 days ago, would get stuck outside of the boat every 6-7 games, but I used the break manager to get it to restart every 20 mins and that worked well. 


Was this with abhorrent's edited script or the Original script?

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