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Perfect Rock Crabs


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Yes you may, I just worry that the bugs only occur in mirror client


Thanks, I'm currently testing now

So far, I'm loving the simplicity of this script


Edit: I will test Mirror as well, as soon as I upgrade to VIP+


Bug - When world hop is on 7+ players, and 7+ players arrive it gets stuck running back and forth from crabs and unicorns. Not sure if trying to log, or was trying to reset rocks. 


I also noticed theirs a strange camera "twitching" which isn't often and only occurs in combat.

Edited by spox
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i just bought this im going to try this out.. Could u tell me what would be the best way to set this up ? how does that ~AFK training work do i go to the island?


Well the other rock crab island isn't supported yet but it will be in the near feature, I just need some people to suggest me some spots or afk spots to add and I can finish it very quickly


AFK training works by imitating an afk player, it chooses its own afk spot and sits there until crabs de-aggro, then runs out and back in and finds a new spot

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Well the other rock crab island isn't supported yet but it will be in the near feature, I just need some people to suggest me some spots or afk spots to add and I can finish it very quickly


AFK training works by imitating an afk player, it chooses its own afk spot and sits there until crabs de-aggro, then runs out and back in and finds a new spot


I would love to see the crab island , i tell you the spots 3 for low lvl and one for higher lvl look at this picture stated under:


The dot above is the higher lvl spot with 3 crabs all the others are with 2 crabs if i am right



Edited by Sew1337
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Working great with the mirror client now, you have really worked hard on it and it has improved a lot for me. Couple of suggestions: 


1. Add an option to choose your own afk spot (i.e. the tile it afk's at) that the bot will return to every time it has to reset the zone.


2. Add an option to world hop when a cannon is detected, and also perhaps an option to world hop without running south out of the zone beforehand?




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Working great with the mirror client now, you have really worked hard on it and it has improved a lot for me. Couple of suggestions: 


1. Add an option to choose your own afk spot (i.e. the tile it afk's at) that the bot will return to every time it has to reset the zone.


2. Add an option to world hop when a cannon is detected, and also perhaps an option to world hop without running south out of the zone beforehand?




Doesn't it detect cannons? Which side are you on east/west?

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On east side. And it has started using the mini map instead of the normal screen after running for approx 30-40 minutes on the mirror client.


Yeah I made a system which makes it use the minimap walk when it can't find any crabs in it's entire sector; I split up the entire rock crab region into 4 sectors and make it switch between all of them every X minutes (random of course).


The minimap option is different, it will use minimap to walk next to a crab all the time (instead of clicking walk by screen), but don't worry because this feature isn't botlike because it doesn't minimap walk next to the crabs

Version 2.51


- Added waterbirth island (beta mode)

- Added an option for choosing your AFK spot

- Fixed teleporting to camelot

- Fixed cannon detection


Update should be live within a few hours :D

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But the bot is just using the minimap for everything now, with the option for mini-map walking ticked off. E.g. it will use minimap for a rockcrab very close to it. I do think that the minimap walking is something that can be used every now if bots aren't found but I'd prefer a majority walking by screen if I haven't ticked the minimap option on.

Thanks a lot for listening though.

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Yeah I made a system which makes it use the minimap walk when it can't find any crabs in it's entire sector; I split up the entire rock crab region into 4 sectors and make it switch between all of them every X minutes (random of course).


The minimap option is different, it will use minimap to walk next to a crab all the time (instead of clicking walk by screen), but don't worry because this feature isn't botlike because it doesn't minimap walk next to the crabs

Version 2.51


- Added waterbirth island (beta mode)

- Added an option for choosing your AFK spot

- Fixed teleporting to camelot

- Fixed cannon detection


Update should be live within a few hours biggrin.png


I'll test waterbirth when its live =]! TYSM

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But the bot is just using the minimap for everything now, with the option for mini-map walking ticked off. E.g. it will use minimap for a rockcrab very close to it. I do think that the minimap walking is something that can be used every now if bots aren't found but I'd prefer a majority walking by screen if I haven't ticked the minimap option on.

Thanks a lot for listening though.


Hmm, I will make some changes before this update is pushed then

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