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Perfect Rock Crabs


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I would like a refund if possible, bought yesterday but keeps on crashing or failing..

Longest run was 4 hours where after i found myself dead in lumbridge...


There is no need to get a refund because the script works fine, you are just using it wrong. What level is your account, what food are you using, what GUI options, have you used latest client, what 'crashed' or 'failed'? The bugs (if any) are not permanent, they can be fixed in a matter of minutes. Just tell me where and I will fix it.

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hmm im not sure I haven't bought the toxic blowpipe yet as it is too expensive, but you can equip it with any darts from bronze to dragon i assume. I think u will have to enquip the pipe and then use the looted darts on it to load it and then equip it again to continue killing? not sure maybe someone can enlighten us.

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please reduce how many time it clicks next to the rockcrab when it is supposed to go run outside and come back because its very botlike any human would know that its time to run out and back in. Also with me at the moment it clicks 10 times then it runs like 3 secs out and runs back in so the rocks still didnt attack and it kept doing this until i stopped the script ran out manually back in and started script.



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On the options I set it to afk training, does this mean its meant to stay in one spot right and wait for respawns? Because it doesn't. It just runs off using the minimap even though I haven't ticked the use Minimap option. After attacking maybe 1 rockcrab it will run south to try and reset the area. This is the reason I wanted a trial before buying it lol. Tell me if that is enough information.

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On the options I set it to afk training, does this mean its meant to stay in one spot right and wait for respawns? Because it doesn't. It just runs off using the minimap even though I haven't ticked the use Minimap option. After attacking maybe 1 rockcrab it will run south to try and reset the area. This is the reason I wanted a trial before buying it lol. Tell me if that is enough information.


Thanks for the response, and I have tried to make it stay in the same spot until the crabs are no longer aggressive, then it will walk south/enter cave, however there appears to be a bug.


I will add a timer so that if the crabs don't attack you for at least 3-5 seconds, then it will reset aggro (walk south/enter cave).


Update coming soon :P

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