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My RuneScape Goals


First 99 (untrimmed skillcape)?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Which skill should be my first 99?

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    • Summoning
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Hello OSBot,


I've recently decided to focus on many aspects revolving around all three RuneScape-related games. These goals will be mainly maxing based but I may throw in object related goals if the opportunity presents itself. smile.png


Current RS3 goals: (legitimate)

Quest Cape - QP: 61/357

Maxing out - total: 709/2595

Skill to 99: N/A


Current RSC goals: (legitimate/assistance)

Quest Cape - QP: 35/112

Maxing out: 799/1782

Skill to 99: 82/99 Crafting


Current RS3 Hardcore Ironman goals: (100% botted)

Maxing out: 67/2595

Skill to 99: 9/99 Dungeoneering


I'll be updating this thread periodically and will eventually start adding pictures! biggrin.png

Edited by Whopper
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Good luck my friend, nice goals, Although i'd look more short term as its more rewarding when you set yourself smaller goals (still work for the big ones) but for e.g. I could be 50 fishing, want to get 76 in a 2 day grind etc. stuff like that!!

I plan to by my 99 goals, which aren't hard to achieve in RS3!


Also, added a poll!!! :D

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