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Khal AIO Fisher


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14 hours ago, Treyb said:

This may have been suggested before but the draynor fly fishing spot has a permanent fire right next to fish spot. It'd be cool you could cook the fish before dropping.

good idea, will see if I can add an option to cook before dropping when a fire is nearby

Script udpated to V1.67:
- Added cooking support when a fire is nearby in the range you selected.

Will be online soon! Let me know how it works

13 hours ago, zyxed said:

Idk how to really bot but is purchasing vip worth it? I wanna get into botting just for my main skills while I play csgo.

Just don't bot too much a day, bot slow and steady to avoid banns ^^

7 hours ago, o0odeado0o said:

does this support karambwan fishing with fairy ring and glory travel?

I planned to add karambwan this weekend.
How exactly would it work with a glory?

Edited by Khaleesi
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On 1/4/2019 at 7:46 AM, Khaleesi said:

good idea, will see if I can add an option to cook before dropping when a fire is nearby

Script udpated to V1.67:
- Added cooking support when a fire is nearby in the range you selected.

Will be online soon! Let me know how it works

Just don't bot too much a day, bot slow and steady to avoid banns ^^

I planned to add karambwan this weekend.
How exactly would it work with a glory?

The cooking feature seems to work pretty well. Ran from 68-70 fish at barb village. No issues that I saw.

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On 1/12/2019 at 7:55 PM, zyxed said:

Bought your script a few days ago, haven't used it since the patch came in, was wondering if its still up to date or do you want us to wait until further notice.


It's still up to date :)

On 1/10/2019 at 3:01 AM, Vayne said:

can i get a trial please? :)

Enjoy the trial

Script updated to V1.68:
- Added Aerial fishing, Make sure to have a knifr and start withatleast 1 King worm or some fish ********s

Should be online in a few hours!
Let me know how it works for you

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Tested out the aerial fishing, it works to an extent.


Playing on mirror mode, will hover over next spot, however when the bird returns it'll wait for the spot to disappear before finding another and clicking. 

I may test on injection later. 

Edit: Also seems to require you to have 10-15 bait beforehand or it will just spam click the spot, not a problem for me, but might be a nice little qol thing to have it start cutting when no bait found. 

Edited by The_Steve
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On 1/13/2019 at 4:27 PM, Khaleesi said:

It's still up to date :)

Enjoy the trial

Script updated to V1.68:
- Added Aerial fishing, Make sure to have a knifr and start withatleast 1 King worm or some fish ********s

Should be online in a few hours!
Let me know how it works for you

Hey I noticed something when fishing sharks in the fishing guild. The bot likes to run to the furthest fishing spot for some reason which is obviously not a problem but the path it takes to get there ends up making the player run back and forth once before getting to the fishing spot. Also on the way back to bank it click outside of the bankbooth on the minimap so it runs back out and in again also looking bot like. It seems to be only happening from one fishing spot though ill put a picture in. Something to check out! Could see this causing bans for sure.


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Hey any plans to add karambs?

EDIT: If you added karams just do the fairy ring to zanaris bank there and have it run back to the fairy ring and rightclick and return to DKP, that would be the simplest and easiest way to add it IMO, all thats required is wearing a dramen staff to use the fairy ring

Edited by dangstr09
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so I just bought this and so far for the aerial fishing it is not cutting the fish but just dropping them???? does it only cut when I need fish guts? if not please fix bought this one because figured it would work good 

ok so its about 5 hours later ran it for 2 hours in stealth injection and it worked fine now im running it again and its having the hovering issue and also dropping slow as shit maybe a suggestion to have it cut all when under 100? because its taking longer to drop them then it does to cut them

Edited by kurogod
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