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Perfect Experiments


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Oops, I only designed it for melee, silly me. Did it perform well (excluding the paint)? Judging by the 6 hours I assume it did


Next update will include a fixed paint for range, and less robotic interaction


yup its worked really well, but once i was out of knives it just kicked them for 60k xp lol. Not that i have a problem with that.

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Hey, add proper Potion support to this soon.


One thing I noticed is when you got pots in your inventory and it drinks it, it has a hard time dropping the vial like the experiments will attack the character but character wont attack back due to trying to drop vial or something, please look into that.

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May I suggest one more thing?


Instead of having like Load Inventory, why not just do a small little GUI for a setup?


The GUI can include of:


Spot to train, West/East.

Putting Potion Support(Heck you can even make it ID, and we can just put potion id for (4) dosage of potions.

Special Attacks can be nice

Food choice(Can be ID aswell)

When to heal(Could be a nice Antiban thing, if that does matter. Choosing a percentage)


But all this I don't expect you to add asap, take your time and rather do it efficiently!

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Well the loadout replaces the potions and the food choice, since whatever potion/food is in the inventory, the script will identify and drink/eat, and the time to heal can any time below full hp - food heal (80hp - 20 for shark), so it must be random, although if you really want to choose when to eat.. I can add it. Special attacks is one which I will definitely add from that list, as well as west/east option.


IDs are a thing of the past, I need to identify the food and potions, and delegate all the 'id finding' work to the script, not the user. The user must be able to click, run and enjoy. Not spend time find IDs and crap tongue.png


Version 1.55 coming soon! biggrin.png


EDIT: Thanks for the suggestions btw 

Edited by Czar
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Nice nice, that works too! I guess the Loadout system is nice too I am just new to it haha so its a bit too futuristic-like for me if you get me.


You can also make it Spot training West/East randomized so i.e It takes full Inv of food/potions and trains at West, the next trip it will train  East. Could be a nice Antiban thing.

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