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Perfect Experiments


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Thanks for the trial.

Script ran fine for 2-3 hours.

Then i leveled my HP and it totally tripped out?

The exp counters for Ranged all went to 0:00 till level.


Then it said: Ran out of ammo; stopping script. So it stopped?  

Edit: and i still had 20k iron knives equipped so plenty of ammo


Edit: Restarted it; timer still broken (?) My ranged is 93, it says 42 somehow.

Not complaining by the way since its a trial, just some feedback


Edited by coen95
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 even with left click option on it still right clicks and mis clicks


I can't control mouse misclicks man, the only thing we can do is use latest version of osbot (.75) since the other scripters claim that interactions have improved, trust me, we've been complaining about it for a long time now, since it affects EVERY script (not just mine)

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