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Perfect Experiments


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I love the loadout system and everything else but if I could make one more suggestion as I train both melee and range here being there isnt many people could u perhaps make it so it shows ranged xp? maybe make an option for which one u are training so u can see, I used melee and it showed up but when I range it doesnt. Also another thing and one I think is much more important, it uses str pots when i had them but it doesnt do ranging pots could u add those? thanks again your script is truly great!!! laugh.png


side comment- just noticed that it still doesnt loot arrows perhaps b/c it is told to pick up iron arrows, and not all types? I havent tried out so I cant tell for sure im just guessing.

Nice nice, that works too! I guess the Loadout system is nice too I am just new to it haha so its a bit too futuristic-like for me if you get me.


You can also make it Spot training West/East randomized so i.e It takes full Inv of food/potions and trains at West, the next trip it will train  East. Could be a nice Antiban thing.

could also make it so that if there is someone at east/west then it goes to the other.

Example: Starts to go to east theres a guy, switches and goes to west, its logical and also in the same sense more human-like.

Sorry if im spamming at this point I get excited sometimes hahalaugh.png


Edited by gundiffy
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Version 1.7


- Fixed paint for ranged

- Fixed arrow looting

- Fixed ranging, with bows and knives too

- Script now stops when out of arrows

- Now wields ranging ammo when 50+ in inventory

- Re-wrote combat code

- Added ranging potion support


Update should be live within an hour :D


Also, planned updates for 1.8 include spot rotation (changes spot every X minutes/hours/trips), bones to peaches support and special attacks.

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