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I have arrows and cash equiped and when I run it on mirror mode it instantly logs out. What's the problem?


[iNFO][05/28 06:11:23 PM]: Started script : CzarRange
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/28 06:11:23 PM]: / // Ran out of coins! Terminating...
[iNFO][bot #1][05/28 06:11:25 PM]: Terminating script CzarRange...
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/28 06:11:25 PM]: / // CzarRangeGuild terminated
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/28 06:11:25 PM]: / Terminated.
[iNFO][bot #1][05/28 06:11:25 PM]: Script CzarRange has exited!
Yet i have money in my inventory.
Pretty bummed
i logged in manually in mirror mode instead of already being logged in and it worked. No idea why lol. I'll post progress pics!
Edited by dudeyoyo
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I have arrows and cash equiped and when I run it on mirror mode it instantly logs out. What's the problem?


[iNFO][05/28 06:11:23 PM]: Started script : CzarRange
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/28 06:11:23 PM]: / // Ran out of coins! Terminating...
[iNFO][bot #1][05/28 06:11:25 PM]: Terminating script CzarRange...
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/28 06:11:25 PM]: / // CzarRangeGuild terminated
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/28 06:11:25 PM]: / Terminated.
[iNFO][bot #1][05/28 06:11:25 PM]: Script CzarRange has exited!
Yet i have money in my inventory.
Pretty bummed



Make sure not to hook the mirror client while your account is logged in, otherwise it will not detect anything in inventory.


You must be doing something wrong, since I still haven't had any problems from 33-90 ranged



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Make sure not to hook the mirror client while your account is logged in, otherwise it will not detect anything in inventory.


You must be doing something wrong, since I still haven't had any problems from 33-90 ranged



That's exactly what I was doing wrong! Bot is working great so far now smile.png


Not sure if I'll suicide like you though haha

Edited by dudeyoyo
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