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While babysitting I have noticed on occasion after it pays the 200gp to start the competition, itll click the judge, ask for help, then equip arrows and begin the tournament. This seems to happen maybe 1/5 times or less. Not sure if thats supposed to be in there or not.  

Edited by slicknick654
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Hi there,


Another suggestion i have, it seems to always click default zoom setting upon startup, which could appear fishy to always click that before starting the minigame. Could you instead have it check to see if zoom is set to default without actually clicking it if it is? (or some other way that cant be tracked as easily?) I could see it being odd/fishy if everytime before you start the minigame you click default zoom even when its already set to that. 


Also came across an interesting case. Random event spawns and target pop up window appears right after. The target pop up screen is open, and the bot goes to the random event solver, but cannot see the random event due to the target pop up screen being open. I only let it sit for maybe 30 seconds before shutting it down and dismissing it myself (not sure if it would have solved if left for longer). 

Edited by slicknick654
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Range bonus needs to be increased if you want higher xp, also use a longbow and set it to accurate. I may add ranging potions (If I find out they actually help)


As for the always right click, that is out of my control I'm afraid, every script on osbot that gets launched, will go through a mouse zoom solver (even if unnecessary) yes, I know it's BS but what can we do, the developers coded it and we can't do anything about it. I had my own one (working perfectly fine) and only sets mouse zoom if it's not on default, but hey :/


I'm glad you guys are enjoying the script :D good luck ;)

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I love this script! I should've screen shot 200 straight hours... I finally got 99 range. thanks my friend biggrin.png I averaged 40k-45k/hr and got about 1million archery tickets as well (: best script ever.

Just bought this recently and it is working fine but I was wondering how people are getting like 40k p/h I am only getting 17k p/h? How do I increase it?


you wont be getting that much exp unless you got a higher ranged level and good gear.

i'd suggest dbow (or magic longbow but highly recommend dbow), amulet of fury (or glory), robin hat (or coif), ranger boots (or none), tunic (or leather body), black d'hide chaps/vambs (depends on your ranged level), ava accumulator/attractor and always equip a ring of life. I averaged 45k exp when I hitted 88+ ranged.

Still don't know why the script stops after 3-4 hours?


are you sure you didn't enable breaks when you added your account on "settings" ?

Edited by byang142
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