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I need some thoughts/advice on me opening a questing service


Whether or not I should open questing service  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you hire me?

  2. 2. Assuming you said no is it because of low fb or no need for questing services?

    • Low fb
    • No need for questing services
  3. 3. If you're looking for a job would you want work for me?

  4. 4. How do you feel about my lenient policy on payment? Does it make you feel safer hiring me?

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Some background info about my past services


I am quite open minded and lenient on payment, I have had clients use middle men before, been paid upfront for a 5m list of quest jobs(felt awesome), I have even two or three times been given permission to take money off the account when the job was complete. I will never try to coerce my clients into not using a middle man if they want one(example complain I have high/higher FB/it's too time consuming).


(all my quest jobs ever just me going solo through the service request forum)


all of that said I feel at this time I have at the very least some decent prospects of making an official service but I want people to take my poll and give any other thoughts/advice to see where I stand.


Thanks for reading and I hope you fill out the poll above.


Regards, Noah

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What would you charge from 1-175qp

I feel kind of bad because as much as I would love to do this job I am going to be busy doing around 175-quest cape for this other client I worked with a bunch of times before.


He's giving me 35m 07gp so that's awesome.


Thing is there's only so much I can do now between that job and college so I don't think I could assist you now(a smaller job maybe but this is quite long). Honestly I am really good with prices; my love of quest makes each job quite enjoyable so essentially all you have to do is show me someone else's offer and I promise to mark my price down accordingly to beat theirs. I don't have any official prices yet I just offer lower than everyone else*not free but you get the idea).


I also enjoy construction power level. I did 1-50 once 1m for the job itself and 1m for supplies(some money was saved).


Wo if you want that I could hook you up, only takes 2-3 hours.

How much for all f2p quests?

This I could do(Id probably have to wait until friday if you're ok with that, don't worry I will do a nice price).


Like I said to the guy before I am really open minded on prices too(within reason, I wont do free obviously). Just give me an offer you think is fair and I will either confirm or ask for a little more. We can negotiate it's cool.



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