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Monitor help


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I am looking to fit as many osbot clients in one monitor as i possibly can. Currently 6/screen and I would like 10+/screen. If you could help me by providing some information in what to look for in a monitor and would it work with my computer that would be great.


Computer specs: http://gyazo.com/655f8dcdb44b82d0284981e202397309

Graphics card: http://gyazo.com/264b01a558fb287e621b2cd4b6d76d14

2nd one: http://gyazo.com/d839e9b02a64dc2a6850a2a98e691a86


price range 400$-1k

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In order to be running 6 bot clients per screen you would need to have VIP which you currently do not. All your accounts which are found to be yours will be banned. If you want to run multiple bots then purchase VIP: https://osbot.org/forum/store/product/4-vip/

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You need to change the resolution, so you'll want 2560 x 1440 (2k) or 3840 x 2160 (4k).


2K (http://pcpartpicker.com/part/crossover-monitor-27qdledblade)

4K (http://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-monitor-u28d590d)


I will mention that your graphics card(s) CAN handle 4k, but they won't play games effectively at 4k, nor 2k.

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  On 8/30/2014 at 5:11 PM, Chubby said:

what do you mean by wont play effectively? will it be fine for 10 runescape clients/screen?



It will run as many instances of Runescape as it previously could, but increasing the resolution will make it harder for the graphics cards to play games like Battlefield/Far Cry, basically anything that's graphically intensive will become even more intensive.

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