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Dispute on James


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Disputed member: @James

Thread Link: n/A

Explanation: User kicked me from services ( lost $12 ) , accused me of scamming my fellow worker Mind tricks.




He basically said I was a scammer because I have not paid Mind Tricks yet. 


The real explanation is that I will be paying Mind Tricks once I have time to know why he really got banned. If he actually scammed or not. Therefore, if he is still banned and I see the reasons of why he is banned, he'll be kicked out of my service after the payment. In the mean time, I'm busy doing orders for my services so I haven't had time to look through it all so then I thought @Dex could help me out of figuring out why he got banned.






He shouldn't even be into mines and Mind Tricks business in the first place. PERIOD.


All of the other things are in the chat conversation which Maldesto or somebody has to check.


P.S - @Maldesto , please remove my verified ranks until I can afford VIP atm since I have a lot of things going on irl. TY

Edited by Dex
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Am I not allowed to remove people from MY OWN SERVICES?

I don't like your attitude and I don't like that you won't pay what you OWE to someone untill they get a dispute resolved.

You OWE them it. Just because they are banned does not mean you do not owe them it.


So your saying that getting into people's business is okay and not rude?

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@Mind Tricks is banned for recovering accounts he sold on PA and then attempting to sell them again thus he will not be allowed to return, @James does however have the right to kick you out of his service because @Mind Tricks being banned for actions that were not relevant to the service does not give you the right to withhold him from these payments.

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