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Back from Liberia!


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Havn't posted in a while because I was in the shittiest country on earth.


Trip report anyone? ;)


--Trip Report--


Intoxicant - Liberia


Trip time - 2 weeks



Well, I've never been anywhere worse. I spent two weeks at a hospital dealing with a population that makes under 5$ a month.


AID's is an epidemic 


Ebola is everywhere


They use the beach as a toilet.


Half of the cities are in ruins from the civil war


The whole country is a F***ed mess

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I'm waiting for the film to be developed so pic's should be posted either tonight or early tomorrow.

Why'd you go? 

I volunteered for the WHO to head a hospital development program in Robertsport.

Did you die?

I was mugged 3 times the first day I was there and after that the hospital hired a local group of ex-combatants for our security.


The poverty there is unreal... I've been everywhere in the world including sierra-leone in the late 90's and nothing was as bad as this place.


The hospital that was being developed was more like a warehouse than a hospital. I had to instruct the new WHO volunteers on how to setup a proper bio-hazard isolation block. Once everything was setup no one came until I visited the locals in their environment.


I did make a friend there his name was Joseph and he took me through the day to day lives of the locals. He told me about the drug epidimec there and I didn't know anything about it when I got there. So I ended up visiting the local drug dens and offering to give people sterile kits ( Sterile Kit - Sterile Needles, Syringes, Alcohol Pads) to decrease the transmission of things like AID's and Hep C. 


After I gave one of the local den owners sterile kits for his buyers he thanked me for trying to help is people and offered me a couple grams of Swazi-Gold as a sign of good faith. I sat down rolled a couple joints and passed them around, sure enough the locals ended up respecting me and I didn't have any trouble for the rest of the trip.

Did you die?

On the inside after I ate a local meal one of the patients brought me. The food was good, the parasites in food in Liberia are not.

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