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Guide To League of Legends Elo


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Hi, I'm @Asuna, I'm an avid League of Legends player who is currently Mid Diamond 1 on NA, with 5 other diamond accounts and was a Season 3 challenger in RU and I want to help you learn how to get to Diamond or even Challenger. The following notes aren't all going to be things new and exciting that you haven't heard already, but I felt that since it really does help you on your road to gaining elo, I may as well restate it once more, and the words might sound better from a familiar face instead of some random guide on youtube. I am a friendly person, so don't be afraid to ask any question, no matter how dumb you think it is, I've heard and seen stupider things, trust me. happy.png


Heres some music for while you're reading




The first thing you are going to realize when you're on your grind and you want to climb is that trolls and losses are unavoidable. I've lost games in bronze as well due to some misplay on my behalf or some afk or troll. The key difference between A high elo player and someone else is how they react and respond to one's mistake, yours or someone else's or especially your enemies. League of Legends is all about mistakes, and you can be making 3 of them in one second without even noticing.  But there's a fine line between losing for your team's mistakes and your own mistakes. You can feed and still win, it's just how you respond to it, which will be explained more in depth later in the guide.


Leavers are not an excuse. If theres a 20% chance that a leaver will be in your game, what that really means is that 1 out of 5 of your games will have an afk, and will still only have a 40% chance of being on your team. (Granted that you are not the afk)


Your team being bad is not an excuse. If 100% of people in your tier are bad, then 100% of the other team is bad and only 80% of yours is bad.



League is all about mistakes, don't be upset one you make one, it's impossible not to make at least 1 mistake in a game. It's just a matter of how you fix and react to them.



Mistakes can revolve around when to properly take harass from your enemy laner, positioning, CSing, when to take objectives, when to use items. Some minor mistakes you might not notice that you do for example;


If you're top or bot and you get ganked by mid lane and they didn't call MIA, if you are extending you should always be checking where the other lanes are as well. If you warded, pay attention to it, because if you get ganked by their jungle, you were in the same situation, it's just a different person ganked you. If mid ganks you and you die, you shouldn't be saying "Wow mid no MIA" 

You also can't say "I shouldn't have been pushed that far" at this point you should be saying "He's gonna be even stronger next gank that's probably gonna happen, I can't be that far again"

Mistake made;






If you're enemy goes for a minion, when he auto attacks, and you don't have a minion of your own to kill, and you don't harass him, that's a mistake. If you fail to harass him, you would normally assume that this is normal and the trade is neutral or even, but this was free harass where you had no downside that you let slip by, he got the cs, so he wins the argument. If you let this happen, you've made 1 or more of the follow mistakes. 


Too far away to harass (Positioning)

Minions would harass would out trade (Positioning)

No spells (Misuse of spells)


The same could be said vice versa, if you notice that one of the above is true, and you don't take that minion, there's another mistake.


These little things are the first step to climbing. 



There is usually no one best champion in the game. Because there is so much variety and teamplay and mechanics it's hard to say. But there are top tier champions. If you utilize these champions during their era, you can spam them and get some free wins, but if you can't play the supposedly top banned champion that is for some reason free, don't play them. Try someone else on the list until you get better, just remember the list changes from patch to patch, and you should try to get a better understanding of the patch before you go back into ranked. You'll see things on reddit like "Made it Diamond 1 with Sejuani Mid Only" But this is because they are usually diamond 1 smurfs who already have preformed step 1 in understanding how to prevent yourself from making mistakes and how to capitalize on enemy mistakes or how to remedy your team's mistakes. 




Wards are essentially the best item in the game, they are viable from the start to the end, until you're 6 items, you should be buying wards. There are some better spots to place a ward, but sometimes it doesn't even matter. If it's dark and scary somewhere, put a ward in it.


If your team is pushing put wards in their jungle. If the enemy is pushing, ward your jungle. Keep pinks on dragon & baron when you can.


What warding can accomplish;

You keep objectives safe

Can Set up to counter gank

Can get ready to fall back if getting ganked (Causing ganker to lose time on XP/Gold for free)

Creating better pressure

General knowledge




If you're winning your lane, use it to your advantage to help the other lanes. Force your lane to base and push the wave to the enemy tower and gank whichever lane will have the highest chance for an objective. Ganking bot if you're a mid katarina with your jungle, you will most likely get at least 1 kill and dragon if not tower and dragon.



The chart above explains how to gank based on where the lane is positioned. Also if your position one, expect there to be an enemy jungler waiting, if your laner is in position tree, predict when the jungler is going to gank based on lanes and last time he showed. If you can't win a 2v2/3v3, tell the laner(s) to push to tower and back, if you can win, let them push and wait for the counter gank.





If you can't get the one above, and can't force for it, immediately go for the next option below. Sometimes Baron can be more important than the inhibitor. Depending on whose ahead. If everyone is 6 items, then the only way to increase your strength is by getting baron. If you get 2 inhibs, that should almost always be a free baron. When you get Mid inhib, go for top inhib next, you gain baron control that way. If you get bot inhib, get top inhib second, not only do you gain baron control that way, but it's much easier to get than mid inhib since bot inhib is much farther away. If they don't respond to the minions attacking the base, you get a free nexus inhib. When one or more of them go back, take the inhib. If you get top inhib, (If baron is up) Get mid inhib, because you can't risk them getting baron because everyone is bot lane, the farthest lane from the baron. (If baron is down) Get bot inhib, since it's the farthest from the top.




What is the best team comp?


Well as the patches go, you need to adapt to what is the best comp, and what pick you need to decide that your team needs, and you should also take into consideration what the enemy team's comp looks like. The types of team comps are


Team fighters (Wombo combo) - Comps where everyone's abilities compliment everyone else's

(Ex; Malphite, alistar, yasuo, varus, jarvan)

Strengths; Teamfights, Forcing for objectives, easy to comeback when behind

Weakness; If someone doesn't have an ability or misses one, it can hurt the team drastically, teamcomps aren't the best laners



( Ex; Cait, Lulu, Sona, Ahri, Lee sin)

Strengths; poking, siege, snowball,

Weakness; Heavy teamfights, Tanks,dives



Split Push

Teleporting split pushers like Shen.

Duelists like Jax/Trynd/Fiora

Mobile speedclears like Lee sin/Zed/Riven/Rengar/Trynd

Strengths; 2 to deal with splitpusher, forcing objectives

Weakness; If the split pusher gets behind, it won't work, might get engaged 4v5, dangerous



(Ex; Renekton, Vi, yasuo, draven, thresh)

Strengths; Strong laners

Weakness; No team fight synergy



(Ex; Renekton, vi, draven, blitzcrank, syndra)

Strengths; free kills if good pick, objectives, siege 

Weakness; no teamfight synergy, a bad pick can turn the game



(Ex Shyvana, Mundo, Thresh, Cait, Galio)

Strengths, strong duels, cc

Weakness; True damage, cc, poke, mobility





With so many items, how can you tell what is the best build for your champion? Simple. Let your enemy decide!


AD Scale Guide


Key: (If enemy builds>Build This)

Armor>Armor Pen


Damage>More damage


If you have abilities that give you an attack speed steroid, build AD, if you have an ability that gives you an AD steroid, compliment it with an Attack speed build.


Ap Scale Guide


Magic Resist > Magic Pen

HP > Ability Power

Ability power > Magic Resist 

AD > Ability Power/Armor depending on whose ahead




AD> Armor

Ability power > Magic resist 


Health usually comes with most defensive items, if enemy has a %Health damage dealer, build armor, if enemy has a true damage dealer, build health. 




Use your item actives correctly.


You can't just randomly use your item actives and/or unique passives. You need to use them at the best possible time.

Examples of common misuse: 



Zonya's Hourglass

(Active: Invincible statius status for 2.5 seconds)

Zonyas is an absolutely amazing items on AP carries. Tons of armor and tons of AP, great recipe build and amazing final result active. Most of time I see people using this item incorrectly is only using this item as a last resort active to survive 2.6 more seconds. You should only do this if you or like ignited or dotted or zed/karthus ult is on you after you secure a kill and get out. The best time to use this item is to dodge abilities/ statius the burst of a team or assassin .



Face of the mountain


People almost never use the active. It's really good for people with hard engage like Vi or your ADC for extra protection if they aren't very mobile. It's a free extra shield that's equal to 10% of your max health (3k hp usually on supports late game, 300 free shield!) and once the shield expires or is destroyed [(100% of the target's AD) + (30% of the target's AP)] 



Targon's shield

Spoils of War


HIT THOSE MINIONS.  If you're ADC, You have got to let your support proc targon's. It gives you 50 health for sustain in lane (or 50+1% of max health if FoTM) and it gives you kill gold +10 gold extra. Assuming that you have no gold gen runes or masteries as ADC, you get 19 gold per 10 seconds in summoner's rift. Your support will generate +1 proc of Spoils of War every 30 seconds. If laning phase lasts 25 minutes, you get 50 stacks.  This gives you about a free 500 extra gold if each proc is used in time effectively. (Minions meet around 2 minutes so a bit less.)   This puts you 4.3833 minutes ahead of the enemy laner if both of you get every cs (This is nearly impossible, don't be concerned if you don't.)


500 gold is about 3.333 waves worth of minions. So you are 3.333 waves ahead of the laner (In gold, not by XP. This important, don't forget this) That 500 gold that early in the game can be game changing in the item differences. 


Not only is the adc 500 gold ahead of the enemy adc, but the support will be about 1250+ gold ahead of the enemy support. So you will have a huge advantage in a 2v2 and can bully them anywhere you want and keep t hem where you want. This gold is assumed if theres no kills or assists by the bot lane and no global objectives. 





What do you do if you're behind?


Let your team carry you. If the enemy can 1 shot you, sit back underneath your tower and wait for the wave to come to you, don't even get the CS if you will take too much damage. If you die, too many things goes wrong.


Your lane will come back even stronger

You lose all pressure, giving your lane the chance to gank

You lose waves worth of xp


Another way to think of it is if you've played a 4v5 before which if you're level 30, i'm sure you have, you know it way harder than a standard 5v5, but if you're feeding it's basically 4v6. When you lose your lane you just have to count on your other lanes to win the game for you by carrying, which will be a lot easier as long as you don't hand out free gold.


If you're behind, your jungler doesn't have to gank for you. You won't gain much out of it, since they're already ahead, they will probably keep that lead. All that would happen is you're worth gold again. It's better if the jungler snowballs the other lanes. You just have to wait under tower until your lane decides to go gank, then you push your lane and take tower. Don't forget to tell everyone that your lane is missing! 




Good Luck! And just remember to have fun on the Fields of Justice! 


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ye, i haven't really played lucian since the change

thoughts on jinx?

Not really meta. Doesn't thrive off of IE or botrk like the other marksman. She has no mobility either compared to the champions who do thrive with these items (Lucian, Tristana, Ezreal is seeing some play, Cait)


The only non-mobile champion that is meta atm is Kog, but kog can out-duel Jinx anytime. 

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Nice guide ^^. What do you think about Xerath? he is so underplayed, yet I used him to get from S4 to G5.

He's sleeper OP. The reason people can't get used to him is that it feels like he's not as strong as he was before, but that's only because he's now a champion with a 6-skillshot combo, and it can be difficult to tell when and how to use each one effectively. He'll probably be seeing some play in the competitive scene soon too.

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