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Jagex's Stance on Bans and Why You Should Be Concerned


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If you are reading this, then there is a chance you have been banned for botting. Whether or not you deserve your ban is your own business, but you shouldn't put much thought into it. Once you have been permanently banned for macroing, Jagex will not respond to any form of contact about the ban.1 Jagex claims to invest accounts thoroughly before they are permanent ban2, but what if they get it wrong?



But Sbfbob, their investigation process is thorough, and it's obvious if someones botting. 


I have no doubt in my mind that Jagex has macro detection software to identify botter, which is most likely followed by human review to insure that no one is wrongfully banned. It must be a tough job that takes up so much time they can't respond to appeals or anything of that nature. But what happens when both man and machine are wrong?


What happens when brain waves converted to computer inputs are mistaken for automated processes of a macro, and a paralyzed person is banned?3



Sbfbob, that is an extreme example...


Well yea it is! Still, try to consider how a paralyzed boy, who is wrongly banned, will feel when he can't even get an email back from Jagex.


Lets move onto another instance. What happens if you are out on vacation, and someone access your account. That person uses your account to bot and it gets perm banned. Without any record of your account being hijacked prior to the ban, you are out of luck.2, 4 They won't even read your appeal.


That probably won't happen to you either, but I am sure there [has already been/will be] someone perm banned without proper evidence.



Alright Sbfbob, whatever. Your account doesn't even belong to you anyways.


You're right. Jagex's terms and conditions of Runescape clearly states that all thing (your account, items, etc) belong to them. However, in 2008 the Supreme Court of the Netherlands ruled that the time spent to obtain items in game does hold value to the player of the account.5 So, does that mean that Jagex should be providing proof for a ban? How are we suppose to know that we are not getting wronged?

I strongly believe that Jagex should have to provide proof for every ban, even if it does compromise however they detect macros.

TLDR: You may have some rights to the items on your account, and Jagex should provide proof for any ban to ensure you aren't being wronged.


Even if this gets buried without any response I will be tweeting to @jagexweath at 12pm on July, 18th, 2014 (#ProvideProof).



1. http://imgur.com/HSy8kK5


2. http://imgur.com/ufwDBGE


3. http://alsn.mda.org/article/brain-computer-interfaces-unlock-world-people-paralysis


4. http://imgur.com/gX6yKp1


5. http://www.allyourlawarebelongtous.com/dutch-high-court-recognizes-the-value-of-your-mmo-time/




Edited by sbfbob
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I think the main reason, well the most logical reason why they don't provide evidence is so that you don't learn their tactics on how they ban you. Like if they showed how they caught you, then you'd change that aspect. And btw, that's the Netherlands, unless you take this to the international court, or live in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom won't give a fuck.

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Jagex isn`t company in Netherlands, so they don`t operate under their laws...


You are right, but it shows that virtual items do have value.

I think the main reason, well the most logical reason why they don't provide evidence is so that you don't learn their tactics on how they ban you. Like if they showed how they caught you, then you'd change that aspect. And btw, that's the Netherlands, unless you take this to the international court, or live in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom won't give a fuck.


I agree, but I think they should work out a system to provide some proof. Really i just want them to review the appeals..

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