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Molly's Thiever


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Just pushed an update to reduce ban rates! The update implements the first stages of anti-profiling methods I am adding to all my scripts. From now on the script will operate in "cycles" where a play type is randomly chosen, this play type will determine how fast the bot does things by adjusting sleep timers, this will cycle based upon a random interval chosen each time a new play type is chosen.


Example: For 24 minutes the script will execute actions a tad slower than normal. After those 24 minutes a new type and time is chosen. Now for 17 minutes the script will execute actions a bit faster. 


The goal here is to prevent the user being banned based on patterns of sleep timers. Instead of say, after you teleport the script sleeps for 200-400 ms and it does this ALWAYS, the script, depending on the play type, might sleep for 400-600 ms after teleporting for 17 minutes. Then for the next 27 minutes the bot will sleep for 625-800 ms after teleporting etc.  This makes it much harder for the script to be detected based on time related to actions.


Over the course of the next several weeks I will be implementing more and more anti-profiling measures. Using these features is of course optional, and entirely up to the user, they can be disabled via the gui. I however strongly encourage you not to disable them! You may notice the script not being as efficient as it is with anti-profiling disabled, however your account will be safer.

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Man i understand i have got a trial, which was like 4 months ago, but i cant afford the payment yet, so i decided why not to ask about another trial from you?
Would you do that, i tried to ask as nice as possible! smile.png also i'm gonna try a different way to bot it now! 

I liked your topic BTW.. #MOLLY

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Hi i liked the post 12hours ago but i still have not recieved my trail sad.png





Man i understand i have got a trial, which was like 4 months ago, but i cant afford the payment yet, so i decided why not to ask about another trial from you?

Would you do that, i tried to ask as nice as possible! smile.png also i'm gonna try a different way to bot it now! 

I liked your topic BTW.. #MOLLY



waiting patiently for trial smile.png


You guys all have trials now.

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