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Ent & smoking rock debug


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Not much of a snippet, just found this in my pictures on my comp and thought i'd share it for any of you guys who are curious.

This is the entity debugger over a normal tree which has turned into an ent.




(tree: tree location: Varrock)


This pic was just less than a month ago or so, but the core logic shouldn't have changed.

This is the entity debugger over a smoking rock. This was ages ago, maybe 3-5 months back, but again you dont have to use it if you don't need it. The core logic should still be the same.




(rock: iron location: ardougne)


Do what you want with them. Enjoy!


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Iirc all you need to know is that the ent is (indirect pun) an entity, and thus 'attackable'. Work with that.


The smoking rock is easily detectable by it's height. Work with that.


Often delta id is a more mainstream way of checking as the height is constantly changing above & below a certain threshold. Additionally, detla id activates the content of the loop if someone else is mining the rock you are mining and they mine it while you're still animating. This can be good or bad, but within my script it is nothing but a benefit. As for the tree, I havent coded woodcutting or anything similar, but yea, it becomes attackable. Lovin' the pun btw ;)

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