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Khal AIO RuneCrafter


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I've been adding Lava support today as you requested.

Script will be released after osbot updates to new client (2.1.20)





holy fuck just realised this is my fourm account i forgot my password too >.< after all this time didnt even realise its this script i requested lavas on 2 years ago haha! got banned other day making lavas o well got new acc botting now mate, was just wondering for the abbys will u be adding re-gear for when killing and so it runs back for pouches? also if u can help me get my fourm acc back then message me as i hate using this one with horrid name lol

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holy fuck just realised this is my fourm account i forgot my password too >.< after all this time didnt even realise its this script i requested lavas on 2 years ago haha! got banned other day making lavas o well got new acc botting now mate, was just wondering for the abbys will u be adding re-gear for when killing and so it runs back for pouches? also if u can help me get my fourm acc back then message me as i hate using this one with horrid name lol


what was your previous name?

Pm me

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I found out where it gets stuck occasionally. When it first enters the Abyss there's a very small chance (ran for many hours only happened 2-3 times) it doesn't move to find the entrances and stands there getting attacked. I was baby sitting it and watched it happen. No problems next day, day after that I was temp banned for botting after dying. I don't use it for more than 2-3 hours at a time and I quest and do a lot as it is my main account so it shouldn't be suspicious. 

holy fuck just realised this is my fourm account i forgot my password too >.< after all this time didnt even realise its this script i requested lavas on 2 years ago haha! got banned other day making lavas o well got new acc botting now mate, was just wondering for the abbys will u be adding re-gear for when killing and so it runs back for pouches? also if u can help me get my fourm acc back then message me as i hate using this one with horrid name lol


It would be amazing if it went back for pouches

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Time for another review of scripts LfzqLDN.gif



Before I get started I want to say that I was able to suicide bot from 44-82 with this script before I got caught. That in and of itself is a very big deal and should already let you know that this script is quite good.


I'll be following my usual review style ( if you are unsure of it refer to some of czars  post )




Functionality: 9/10


This is the highest rating i've ever given a script, especially one for runecrafting. So what does this script do right? It has everything down in terms of "basics" It has great randomness in the path that it takes. I never once followed the same path twice in a row. It has human like mistake to, not sure if that was the intention but it does misclick on altar occasionally which actually helps the bot look more human like. Along with the various other stand features it has (food, multiple altars, original altar path for natures...etc) My only complaint is that when I last used this script, some months ago it did not have a death walk feature to retrieve pouches. That is my one complaint.



Bug report:

Now as I have said it has been some months since i've last used this script but when I did it would randomly not be able to find a charged glory, even though there was one on screen and would cause the bot to stall and just idle. This may have been fixed in recent updates as I have not kept up on this forum but that is a glaring bug that can easily lead to a ban for botters who do 2-4 hours sessions.



Would you buy the script and recommend it to potential buyers? YES, most certainly.


Closing remarks:

This script is very solid and does  A LOT OF THINGS RIGHT if one were to buy this script they wont be disappointed with the end results. But word of caution to all those who are planning to bot RC. The OSRS has come out and admitted that they crack down on RC bots the hardest and it is also one of the easiest things to be caught botting. So when you are using this script don't suicide bot and don't "lightly bot" aka bot for 5 hours a day every day. You need to mix things up train other skills, enable breaks. and do quest on the side. REMEMBER THAT BOTTING SHOULD NEVER BE A REPLACEMENT TO TRAINING JUST A SUPPLEMENT TO IT!




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