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Khal AIO Agility


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why does it randomly stop for like 5mins on the same spots on courses had this problem on dryanor varrock and fally i checked the logger and its just spammed with failed but it just stands there doing nothing i dont have anti ban on and ive tryed with anti  ban on and it happens on both

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I left this to run all night and come to find out in the morning after it being on for a good 8 hours I see that it was just standing in this one spot doing nothing and I guess the antiban was what kept it logged in all night. I have had this script forever but I barely seem to use it only because it would get stuck just in that 1 spot on any course/rooftop that I've used it with which have been on a few accounts. So I just throw a suggestion to maybe add a feature where it finds itself off track and goes back to the correct spot again after x amount of seconds/minutes not being there.

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- Normal client or Mirror client? normal client 

- What course/ rooftop are you running all of them up to seers

- What is the issue? bot randomly stops on roof course at certain parts of the course happens on all of them ive tryed up to seers , in the logger its just spamed with fail. had 2 accounts banned on new proxie ips on fresh accounts new accounts also i belivie its cuase its obv how it just stands there idle for so long .

- What is the script status, (can be seen in the paint)  cant remmber not going to use script till fixed dont want another ban

- Can you get a printscreen of it? ^

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