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Khal AIO Agility


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17 hours ago, Jacksonpm23 said:

1-50 no ban...which is extremely rare both  for this script and agility botting in general (nothing to do with Khal, script is as good as it can be for the most part). 
Only suggestion I'd have for anyone using this, dont bot agility within the first 2 weeks. Sit the account or do some hand-done stuff first. 

Ya sometimes banns are harsh, while other times you can last a pretty long time -_-

On 1/7/2019 at 12:43 AM, Vadim Beliak said:

Could I get the trial please??



5 hours ago, undecked0 said:

Hello, can I get a trial on this script please?


2 hours ago, MannenHasse said:

Hey! :) Is it possible to get a free trail? And is the agility pyramid working? I saw it was on beta. 

Enjoy all trials

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Question ---- i've been trying a few of the free agility scripts for seers rooftop in resizeable and the bot always seems to walk to the next interaction event  via minimap click first - does khal aio agility do this too? I assume it's much more likely to get banned using a bot that does this

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Just realised that I posted on the wrong thread, sorry! I've copied what I wrote down below. Hope you can have a look :)


Hey Khal, wonderful script. Its been going flawlessly at falador rooftop, just tried the wilderness course and it seems to get stuck after climbing up the ladder, it seems to trigger after failing the swing, and after climbing out the ladder it just stands next to it without moving. Could you have a look at it when you're free? :) But amazing script nonetheless.


Edit: Just came across another issue while doing the falador rooftop course, after finishing the course the script sometimes stops and doesn't run back to the beginning of the course, I have to manually move it a bit for it to start working again, this happens maybe 20% of the time but occurs less for the first 20min of running the script for some reason. 

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