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Khal AIO Agility


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On 2-10-2017 at 8:06 AM, killakay said:

why does it randomly stop botting at seers village and relleka because it runs fora bit and then never moves just stays there

Can you take a picture of where it happends?

On 8-10-2017 at 1:45 PM, jijip said:

Can I get a trial?


On 10-10-2017 at 5:17 AM, InsanorD said:

trial plz


14 minutes ago, yeahbuddy420 said:

trial please? i just purchased your wintertodt script and i love it! if its good like that script id love to purchase this one :) thanks mate for all your hard work!


Trials activated!

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hey khal i recently asked you for a trial but didnt even relize i had it! i promise i didnt even get to try it once! you can even look at my runtime.. may i please have one more trial since i have off work today? ive bought a script from you before and would love to try the agility one before buying! thanks man apprieciate all the hard work! :) thank you

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On 17-10-2017 at 7:12 AM, coolz said:

can i get a trial pls


3 hours ago, soyoo said:

Trial please!!! Wanna test it out :p


2 hours ago, barted said:

trial please


2 hours ago, PerryThePlatypus said:

Trial pl0x. <3


Appreciate it, mate. Keep up the fabulous work. 


23 minutes ago, botting123 said:

Agility trial please.

All Activated! Enjoy

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