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Safe to call BigBoyBets (aka RSGambling) a scam?


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  On 6/8/2014 at 2:45 PM, Beezmans said:

joopis site doesnt exist anymore and zinc is saying hes trying to reopen bbb and refund everyone we will findout in the coming days/weeks

iZinc said he would re-open by this week, which still has not happened yet.


Joopi's site has been taken down. Before that, it didn't work.

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  On 6/8/2014 at 2:56 PM, Dylan said:

the people awaiting a refund?

People got scammed?


  On 6/8/2014 at 2:56 PM, Beezmans said:

b/c if bigboibets doesnt open theres a possiblity to make a site like it and make 150-300 grand a year..... 

Not at all. BBB got big because the owners were already well known, could market it and had startup capital. A lot more goes into making those sites than you think (especially big ones) which is why there's only one big boy and shitloads of other small ones.

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  On 6/8/2014 at 3:14 PM, Astrola said:


Joopii is finished completely with rs gambling in general.

iZinc is opening up BBB today which I was told from him most trusted rank.

BBB owe over 12B Rsgp worth of chips to the players.

GPBets the new upcoming poker site is doing good tongue.png



Joopii is finished completely with rs gambling in general.

iZinc is opening up BBB today which I was told from him most trusted rank.

BBB owe over 12B Rsgp worth of chips to the players.

GPBets the new upcoming poker site is doing good tongue.png


Aswell for those of you who dont know...

Joopii and iZinc split because of a dispute joopii said iZinc scammed him etc... Joopii then made his own site Rsgambling which got closed down by the owner of gpstakes(a scam) the owner of gpstakes also took down BBB

Edited by Astrola
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  On 6/8/2014 at 3:14 PM, Astrola said:



Joopii is finished completely with rs gambling in general.

iZinc is opening up BBB today which I was told from him most trusted rank.

BBB owe over 12B Rsgp worth of chips to the players.

GPBets the new upcoming poker site is doing good tongue.png


Aswell for those of you who dont know...

Joopii and iZinc split because of a dispute joopii said iZinc scammed him etc... Joopii then made his own site Rsgambling which got closed down by the owner of gpstakes(a scam) the owner of gpstakes also took down BBB



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Here is a brief explanation of all the events that occured in order:

1. iZinC didn't pay me my 30% splits for 10 days

2. I left BBB, exposed iZinC and made my own site

3. iZinC managed to fraudulently get my host to ban my VPS (Proof: http://gyazo.com/334a3736ab886dc80f2f951a225ded67 )

4. I decided to quit as I don't have much faith in the future of rs gambling after all this

5. I cashed out everybody from my website, I ended up spending a few thousand dollars out of my own pockets just to keep my reputation before I took my site down.


It seems that iZinC is going to launch BBB again, but it will not last long. I am not involved with any rs gambling sites anymore.


Some more details can be found here, wrote it a couple days ago: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W8aOoAuDgMW3uVqJDzIaQvDIkDmcPlqVlPtbcsBwhAY/

Also you can add my Skype, "Erkonkolme" if you have any questions.

Edited by JoopiiRS
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  On 6/8/2014 at 3:25 PM, JoopiiRS said:

Here is a brief explanation of all the events that occured in order:

1. iZinC didn't pay me my 30% splits for 10 days

2. I left BBB, exposed iZinC and made my own site

3. iZinC managed to fraudulently get my host to ban my VPS (Proof: http://gyazo.com/334a3736ab886dc80f2f951a225ded67 )

4. I decided to quit as I don't have much faith in the future of rs gambling after all this

5. I cashed out everybody from my website, I ended up spending a few thousand dollars out of my own pockets just to keep my reputation before I took my site down.


It seems that iZinC is going to launch BBB again, but it will not last long. I am not involved with any rs gambling sites anymore.


Some more details can be found here, wrote it a couple days ago: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W8aOoAuDgMW3uVqJDzIaQvDIkDmcPlqVlPtbcsBwhAY/

Also you can add my Skype, "Erkonkolme" if you have any questions.

You never cashed me out :(


Your site didn't even work. I tried multiple times to log in.

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