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I have a question before I get unbanned.


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Yo dudes;


So I got a two day ban yesterday on my main, and if I bot again, I'm fucked. Should I change my IP address and say someone got into my account and maybe they'll get rid of the ban?


I dunno. I just don't want to get fake accused for botting again when I'm playing legit, and end up getting permabanned.



Edited by Lolwutermelon
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I read "before" and "banned" with a glance, and in panic I clicked this thread.

OT, play legit, do quests, 'av a blast, I hope you botted everything you wanted.

Bot again, you will be banned and you'll deserve it.

I am one of those lucky enough to have just gotten a two day ban as well. I advise the same as the poster of the the words I quoted.
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